And The "Wait" Begins
Well today officially began the moment of nerve racking torture.
My doctor's office submitted my Letter of Medical Necessity to my insurance company for approval. They said it would take 2-4 weeks to hear something.
Bet these will be the longest 2-4 weeks of my life. I am a bit worried to. As she was taking my medical history, I realized that I answered NO to a whole lot of the questions. To be honest, I don't have any of the co-morbid diseases. I have borderline high cholesterol and an extensive family history of diabetes, although I do not have it yet. I also have severe heel spurs, which are not directly related to weight but are very aggravated by the excessive weight. I am scared they are going to say there is no "medical need" for the surgery. My BMI is 43.1.

Keep your fingers crossed. I had no co-morbid diseases. I had plantar facitis and needed knee replacement, sleep apnea (did not know unitl pre-op testing) and a very mild blood pressure problem. I'm don't know what the weight is for bmi that you have given. This will be a preventative procedure. ONe thing for sure is that the 100 lbs overweight is pretty standard.
Good luck
minus about 225 pounds and counting down
WLS 02-02-04