29 lbs and 16 inches
Totally unbelievable!! I am three weeks out tomorrow and I am already down 29 lbs and 16 inches. The only bad part is I have lost the most inches in my chest.
But at this point, I am happy losing everywhere! My pants are sagging in the butt for the first time in many years. I am going back to work today for the first time since my surgery. I am still having the pain in my left side due to a nerve that was somehow damaged. When it gets so bad that I can't stand it, I go back to the clinic and they give me an injection into the nerve that numbs it. Hopefully it will go away soon. Keep praying for me!
I love you all!

Hiya Rhonda,
holy smokes, three weeks already? Doing good on the numbers there, girl. 29 pounds are great! You'll be at goal in no time !
Sorry to hear about the damaged nerve thing, hopefully this is just temporary, and soon you'll not even think about it or like me, at times totally forget you ever had surgery
I can relate to your saggy clothes issue, I havent lost but maybe 3 lbs in the last 3 weeks but for some reason all the pants I bought two months ago and were tight, are getting really saggy and baggy, I'll be moving to the 14s in another month when I just absolutely can't wear the 16/18s any more- and I refuse to wear a belt to keep'em from sagging. Wow. 14s? havent worn those since..... hm.. cant remember WHEN!
Girl, take it easy at work and don't over-do it !


WOW, 14's sound really good! My first goal I have set for myself is to get under 200. I have 11 more pounds to go to reach that one, and my second goal is to be able to wear a 14 and shop in any store for clothes! What is your total weight loss now? How come your weight loss slowed down so much, is that normal? I bet you are losing inches instead of pounds. You are probably building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Best of luck and be sure to keep us informed so we know when to celebrate you getting into those 14's.

I am so happy for you that your day is coming soon! I know you are getting excited! It will be here before you know it!
I am feeling much better than I did, still have some pain but it is bearable. Each day gets better!
Work is going okay, my back is hurting from sitting up so much in a computer chair, not being able to recline in my comfy recliner. Each day will be better and better I am sure. I am going to take a long lunch and relax at home for a while before coming back.
Talk to you soon,
Hi Rhonda... Its been awhile since I responded to your posts but please know that I have been thinking about you. It has been such a busy past 2 weeks.
You are doing great! 29 pounds is fantastic. At my one month appt I had only lost 28 pounds so you are doing really well. I am jealous!
I am glad you are feeling a little better. It will continue to get better every day.
I am proud of you and am so happy for you. I know you are just thrilled.
2 til surgeons goal
17 til my goal
PS... Girls, my 14s are getting a lil baggy!