Hi from a newbie
Good Morning everyone,
My name is Sue G., and I live in Byram, MS. I wake up every morning and come here to start my day with inspirational and motivational stories. I decided today to post. I am new to this journey, just started working with a doctor's office.
Everyone here seems so supportive of each other and it really helps. I live alone and only have one close friend that I have shared my desire for surgery with. Have found that alot of people out there are not really supportive of my decision.
I am so happy that everyone is doing good here
and wish everyone nothing but the absolute best.
I have done some research and talked to a few people that have had the surgery in person and decided to use Dr. King in Oxford. My only concern is that it is so far away. Has anyone used any of the other doctor's here in Jackson? They do the surgeries at UMC and CMMC.

Dear Sue,
Welcome to our board, we're happy to have you. Every day we get more and more new members and as they move from appointment to preop testing to surgeries, the number of "posties" climbs almost daily there, as time progresses. Before you know it, you'll be the one posting "I'm home" !!
It's just amazing how this surgery has made such a huge difference in people's lives. Please feel free to post any of your questions or concerns here, of course we're not doctors but our combined experience can be very helpful at times.
Have you had any appointments yet with the physician? I can't speak for the surgeon you're choosing since I didn't get to use a local doctor, but there are a few who were Dr King's patients, I believe? I know you'll get a few responses on that
So anyways, good luck on your journey and come and post OFTEN!!

Hi Sue,
I am not too far from you, I live in Pearl. I am using Dr. Salahame at UMC. I you ever want to talk or get togeather (being were not to far from another) please feel free to call me at anytime. If you have yahoo instant messenger please add me to your list my yahoo screen name is angie_bea2000 and that is also my yahoo email address so if you want my numbers please feel free to email me anytime or if you just want to communicate on here thats perfectly ok too. Just dont be a stranger I am always willing to listen and answer anything i can. And there are several others on here that have used Dr. Salahame at UMC, Dr. Cleveland and Dr. *******s at CMMC, and others in the surrounding areas, I know that there is a Doctor at Forrest General in Hattiesburg that does this surgery. Im sure anyone on here will be glad to help as much as possible. Please keep us updated on your progress and DONT be a stranger!!
God Bless,
Angie Bea
Get in touch w/ Adam Dungey at CMMC.He is the person in the know w/the drs. there. Look at hs pot of 03-15-05 for phone numbers. He is super. Things have changed at UMC. I don't know who to call there, but try Daphne at dept of surgery 601-815-1176. she can tell you how to get the new cordinator there.
Welcome to the "Boards."
Also drop by the Mainboard for
Info that's less state specific.
Dr. King is Wonderful! and by going through him
You also have that "Champion on our side"
Becky Wilson, at Liv-Lite.
Hopefully you will find a Doc close by
If for no other reason than all of the future
follow-up visits.
Best Wishes-

Hey and welcome to the boards. Wasnt that long ago that i was posting as a newbie and as I am sure you have read I am now a loser. Dr cleveland at cmmc is a terrific dr and I cant say enough about hime he held my hand practically while i was in bad shape and i saw him and he made sure I saww him every day even on his normal days off which just impressed the hell out of me.
Hope your journey is great and uneventfull and post often I may be a bear but i dont bite.
Barry Starr 7 days post op
Hi Sue,
I'm a year out from surgery and I used Dr. Cleveland @ CMMC in Jackson as well....GREAT DOCTOR! You can reach the Bariatric Center @ CMMC at 601-376-2474. Sandra will probably answer the phone and she can help you with any questions you may have and even sign you up for the next seminar that will tell you more about the surgery and what to expect throughout the whole process. I highly recommend CMMC and Dr. Cleveland.
Good Luck, Sue!