Something I Have Noticed
It seems as though men have more complications with bypass surgery. Has anybody else noticed this? I wonder what the statistics are for post-op complications for men vs. women. Has anybody run across this information or know anything off the top of their head?? Maybe Adam can shed some light on this subject....
Just curious

You're absolutely right. I've noticed that as well, and since there is a huge majority of the surgery being done on women versus men, I bet there is a survey out there somewhere to show the difference. If not, there oughta be !! Of course this is just MHO, but maybe the fact that women's bodies go through traumatic changes due to the fact that we are able to give birth, this may be a reason for our bodies being more susceptible to accepting changes and mending? Yeah, it's a theory, but sounds good, doesn't it?
Glad to see your "Afro Head" Out on the Boards.
Into that mix, is the fact that Men
Seem to do better at loosing the weight than
Women and "Keeping it off."
This is due to our physiology
Rather than any "will power" achievements.
I think the "Complication Rate"
For men, is a result of -
"Complaints that have gone un-addressed" before.
We guys, tend to just- "Deal with it."
No matter the symptom.
My random thought-
Best Wishes-
Yes, it seems that way, doesn't it? I think women are just a bit more resilient than men like Andie says. Also, I have heard, but don't know any facts for sure that Ralph Hayes is having a hard time too. I am fixing to find out what I can about him. He had surgery at CMMC with Dr. Clevelend several months back.