ohmygosh!!!Dxe-your new picture
Hey Tammy,
I would not have recognized him out on the street either. He looks so different. As my three yr. old would say, a real cutie patuttie.
Speaking of looking different, a friend of mine I had not seen in a while came over to let her little girl play with mine. Her little girl looked at me and said, "Hey, where is Catherine's other Mommy who was here last time?" I almost never convinced that little child I was Catherine's Mommy, one and the same as the one she saw last time LOL. I have laughed about that. Kids will say whatever is on their little minds.
Has the swelling went down yet ?
I know that had to make you feel like a million bucks.
I'll be so glad when something like that happens to me after surgery.
I'm afraid if it happened now, the person would say something to the effect of "No, Tammy wasn't that big when I saw her last".
Then I'd be on Court-Tv for trying to hurt someone !!!
Not really though.
Gotta Love them Babies.
They always tell the truth & tell everything as they see it.
No matter how hard we try to keep them quiet !!!
Having your own child is equal to having your own tattle-tail !!!