Insurance Update...
I've been lacking in my activities on the board. SO SORRY!
It's been a busy few weeks for me. I am a Minister of Music and our Easter Cantata was Sunday - went fabulously - and our kids program is tomorrow night. So I've just been weighed down with the last minute details of my job. I'm looking forward to Holy Week and Easter being over! (that sounds bad - don't mean it that way LOL) After that I get to take a mini-vacation with my Sweet Adelines Chorus for our regional competition.
It's always a blast!
Anyway - on to my posting topic!
I am FINALLY in the computer at my insurance company!!!
Not sure why it took them SO long because I know Dr. C's office faxed it last month! But anyway, it's there as of the 7th. I had been previously told that they had 10 business days to make the decision, and then I'd receive a letter. This Friday will make 10 business days!!! I'm SO glad I'm busy at work, so maybe, just maybe this week will pass quickly! I'm almost positive they are going to deny me at first, and would be very interested in what the appeals process has involved for those of you who've had to use it.