Hello to an old and dear friend Arlies Q
Hello sweetie
I am so proud for you and your choice to undertake WLS. I knew what a wonderful person you were back in ND, and I know what a wonderful person you are now. I am so happy that this WLS is going to work and make it possible for you to live your life on your own 2 feet. I know that many years passed before we contacted eachother but now, I know we will stay in contact because you are now my hero. You are doing now what I have wanted for a longtime (since 1994) starting life as a new smaller person. I hope to walk in your footsteps because I know your footsteps are of a kind, special person with a heart of gold. And the love in your heart that would encircle the earth many times. I pray only the best for you and your family, hug the kids for me and your hubby too. I love you girl!!!!!
Keep on inspiring
With love
Tammy in NY
Well Tammy in NY Welcome to the board !!!
Tells us about yourself .....
How much do you weigh ? Or, How much are ya wanting to lose ?
How tall are you ?
Have you always been over weight ?
Have you already seen a Dr. about WLS ?
How did you happen upon us here ?
Are you married ? Kids ? Divorced ? Widowed ?
Hobbies ?
Say you wanted to have WLS since '94 ? Why has it taken you so long to pursue it ? Thats a loooooonnnggg wait. When I want something or decide to do something, I want it then.
Waiting isn't one of my stronger points. However, I am getting better at this waiting game.
Sorry so many questions, but inquirring minds want to know
I'm Tammy in Mississippi as you can see by my name. I haven't had surgery yet. Married my High School Sweet Heart in 1987 & we have one girl that is 12. I'm a stay at home mom.
And well, I guess that you could say that I would be described as "Plays well with others" until pushed, then I can usually become a 

Very protective of my family & friends.
Will bend over backwards to help most people.
Say your friends with our Arlies ? She's a Sweetie Pie, she's Sharp as A Tack & a GREAT listener. Never misses a thing. We all love her to bits !!! Well, I do anyways. She's my Bestest Friend & I wouldn't take a Billion $$$ for her.
Anyways, Welcome to the board.
You will learn alot here & we hope to learn alot about you too.

Well, personally, I object to the word "old" in your post title!!!! LOL Even tho I seem to be everybody's Momma on here!!!! Even those older than me!! I just be a spring chickie and still chasing my men!!!
Girl, it is so good to hear from you! Hope all is well. I guess you know that I gained about 15 lbs just reading your post due to my head swelling!!! Thank you for your very sweet and kind words about me - and I'll send you the bribe money soon for saying them!!!
I really want to encourage you to go for an eval for WLS. For those of us, like you and me, that can't exercise anymore (yet), it is THE solution. It is helping my knees some and it would help your back. If you do sign up with a Doc, please keep us all informed. You know us MS folk are good folk!! And we will offer you support and some craziness!!
I carry the kids' pictures and look at Kairee's often. I don't look at Zach's cause it makes me cry to see how big he has gotten - and Jacob, I'd never have recognized, tho Em said she would have known him before she recognized Kairee! It's been a bazillion years!!! We need to keep hanging on to each other!
Love ya to pieces, girl, and come back soon and chat!! And squeeze all them babies for me and tell 'em how much I love them and miss them. I hope to see them this summer. When they come visit, Em & I are gonna try to get a room on base and see them. I will probably still be in Christine, but with her, I can keep up with the best of them!!!
Love ya lots!!!
Smoochies & Hugs,
PS For ya'll that don't know, Tammy & I were neighbors back when Em and Kairee were 2 years old. We were neighbors for about 4 or 5 years and Em & Kairee were my twin girls!!!

Welcome to the board Tammy! You will find many wonderful people here that will support you through and through. I have made so many amazing friends here that would go to the ends of the earth for me and that is such a wonderful feeling. I did not know that you ever considered having this surgery, I would be glad to share my experience with you and help you through it if you decide to have it done. I asked Jay about whether or not you had mentioned having it done to him and he said with his memory he does not know. However, Tricare has just recently within the past year started paying for this procedure. If I had to go outside of the military to have it done and had no insurance it would cost WAY to much and I would not be sitting here post-op today. The fact that it did not cost me a dime to have this done was one of the major factors that helped me decide to have it done. Jay was totally against me having this done, he believed I could lose it the "old fashioned way" through diet and exercise, but I told him that I did not feel that I could and that I needed this tool to help me. This surgery is only a tool, it is not an easy way out. This past 10 days have been some of the hardest in my life. It is amazing how many food commercials there are on t.v., the head hunger will drive you absolutely crazy, even though your stomach is NOT hungry. I can honestly say that I have not been hungry in 10 days. I had a very rough time in the hospital, with dry heaves and nausea, poor Arlies, I think she thought I was dying. Heck, I thought I was dying. But it does get better each and every day.
Anyway, I have rattled on enough.. But listen, this would be a good option for you to think about with your back condition and all. Check into the NY message board and see if they have local support group meetings and weight loss surgery informational seminars that you could attend. It is always good to have local support but we accept people from all states on the MS board. Come back Soon.
Rhonda Glantz