Had to go to Doctor!
Good Morning... I just got back from Immediate Care. Around 6 last night I started getting really awful pains in my stomach. In the area where I have my scar from surgery. It was so intense last night that before I went to bed I told my daughter that if she couldn't wake me up to call 911. I was in severe pain.
This morning it was still hurting and hurt when I drank my shake this morning. I called Janet and she said that Dr. Whitehead was out of town and to go to immediate care. The Doctor did every test he could including a stomach x-ray. We cant find anything wrong. He called Janet and she said if it is still hurting tomorrow to come see her and she will get me into Dr. Brahan and they will do whatever they need to do to get my insides checked. You cant really see what needs to be seen on us thru a regular X-ray...
I am feeling a little better. He said I do have a kidney infection and put me on some medicine. I am a little concerned because vacation is 1.5 days away. The doctor asked me what I ate yesterday and I told him I had that sirloin and some broccoli casserole. He said well maybe it was too much or too greasy. To me it wasn't greasy and I dont think I had too much. Maybe its just not digesting good... I wonder if that could be it. It was really good though!! Lil dry for my taste--but good..
Yall pray for me that I quit hurting soon. I dont want to miss my vacation.
Love you all
OMG I hope you start feeling better really soon. Esp since vacation is this close! I am kinda thinking that the steak did not digest well for you. You know I cant even eat steak or roast cause it hurts me. Of course I dont have MD behind my name so what do i know. lol lol I hope you feel better soon. Call me if you need anything!
Love ya
Oh, my, I am so sorry about you hurting. But to be honest, I think it was those croutons in ranch dressing that you had! I could have beat you and taken them!!! Steak is still a dream for me too. Seriously, I hope it turns out to be nothing. Maybe the tad of rice that was in the broccoli cheese was fighting you? I dunno, but hope it's all okay. Keep us informed.

Christine, I sure hope and pray oyu are ok when i read this something clicked and I went loking and on CMMC's weight loss page it says that after surgery steak is a no no for quiet a long time I hope it isnt what has you hurting plz keep us posted and feel better so you can go see your family.
4 days and counting down to loserville
Hi Guys!! Thanks so much for all your prayers. I am feeling a little better but it does still hurt a little bit. I think it may be that steak is not digesting and maybe I will have some meat tenderizer later.
It may have been that steak but I dont understand why it would take so long to hit me.
The doc put me on some medicine for m y kidney and I am hoping all will be well by Saturday morning.
I got your message Glenda and Denise... Thanks so much for calling me. It has been one heck of a day. I tried to call yall both back but it was way after 5. I really appreciate the support. I have been so scatter brained. Trying to get my work affairs in order and my family packed. It has been a chore.
Barry-- I am so excited for you.. Its almost here!!!
I will talk to you all soon.
Christine, I'm so sorry you are hurting! A kidney infection is bad enough without your "guts" hurting also! Hope it doesn't interfere with vacation! If the steak is the culprit, I guess we all learned something. You said something about taking some meat tenderizer. What is that for? other than the obvious? I never heard of taking meat tenderizer before. This is the first time I've been on the computer today. Please keep us updated.