our lunch was so good too!!!
terry susan and i had a great chance to chat and it was so wonderful to see susan livinglighter and w/o her cane!!! so proud for her!!!sorry i wasnt at ocharleys but i dont check my email everyday i dont have time to take a shower somedays and yesterday was a crazy daymy 2 babies keep me crazy. terry said someone called her and told her so someone she've called her back bc she delayed a job just to come to the lunch. but we still had a good time and a yummy lunch.
see yall in a few weeks
Hey girl,
Sorry about the mix up. That is why I suggest that we update numbers on the sign in sheet at every meeting. Sometimes it is hard to get with people especially if you dont have numbers to contact them by. Christine worked really really hard to make this thing happen and felt really bad when ya'll got stuck over there. But I am glad to hear that ya'll had a good lunch. As I said we all need to write our phone numbers on the sign in sheet so that in the future we wont have this problem.
Love ya
Potato Soup was wonderful, as was the company! Wish we had all been together, but stuff happens! I think Denise is right, we need to update the calling list. I will be glad to do that and mail a copy to everyone if we can start a new one at the meeting on the 21st.
We had a good time, hope you others didn't miss us too much!
Oh Susan that would be great. You see I did not even know that there was a calling list floationg around. Which tells me that I probably aint even on there. lol lol so that would be wonderful if we could update that. I am really glad that ya'll had a great time, but we really really did miss ya. I am also glad to hear how wonderful you are doing. You take care girl!
Love ya
I had called Terry and told her about the lunch, but I did not know about the changes in plans until today because I was at the hospital with my sister who was having her first baby, my one and only nephew. I got into the bed at 2:30 am and still had to be at work at 7:30 am. I didn't check my messages until this morning and got all the details. I thought Robin had called Terry. It was a communication mess up, and I have spoken with Terry personally about it and apologized and apologized because I felt terrible about it and for being out of pocket as I stated in an earlier post titled "I'm an aunt" and Christine had to try and do all the contacting and reorganizing because I was clueless anything had to be changed. I apologize to you as well. I hate we were not all in the same place. We missed all of you and I had hoped to see and visit with everyone. I really look forward to seeing everyone in between meetings because all of you are valuable support to me. I am so sorry things got messed up, but my sister's baby was 3-1/2 weeks early so it was kind of unexpected. I thought everything was squared away with the lunch, but sometimes things happen.
So here goes: Crystal, Susan, Amy, and Terry, I am sorry you guys were at Chesterfield's and didn't know to come to O'Charley's. We really missed you. I am glad you had a great lunch and a great visit despite the mess up. I hope we will get to do the same soon. Christine, I am sorry I was unavailable to you when you needed me to help you reorganize our lunch. I will try to do better in the future as I hope we will still do this again even though this happened. I enjoyed our lunch plate we shared (quite tasty) and I appreciate all you did to get it together.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and a wonderful weekend.
Melissa Taylor
In my eyes you have NOTHING to apologize for you had a family emergency come up and in my book family comes first! This is all just an unfortanate misunderstand. We are suppose to all be adults here. I understand that feelings can get hurt but when someone trys to apologize just accept it and move on. We are a family around here and hell that is what families are suppose to do. I love each and every one of you guys here. Hell ya'll are the only ones that know what I go through on a day to day basis. Hell ya'll are the only ones that know what I have been through and totally understand. So lets just say whats in the past stays in the past and move on. I look forward to seeing everyone on the 21st. Stay cool!!!!
LOve ya
I am happy to hear that you all had a great lunch! At least it wasnt all for nothing. Sounds like yall had a fantastic time.
As far as calling everyone I cannot imagine where I would get the phone numbers. I emailed you at 8:47 last night to your AOL account and I emailed Susan at 8:48 on her AOL account letting you all know it had changed. I figured since we made these arrangements ONLINE everyone would confirm ONLINE and check for any changes. I did all I could. I tried to find yours and Susans number in the phone book but there are many Greens and many Hughes. None of whi*****luded yalls name. Trust me, I tried! From now on if we make arrangements like this online be sure to recheck online to confirm that there have been no changes. Its impossible for me to contact people when I have no phone numbers. Maybe this will be elevated with an updated phone list.
Melissa and I talked to Terry and she doesnt seem mad at all. We both apologized to her. Her situation was not thru the site. Hers was just a mixup.
Other than an apology there is nothing else I can do. Lets just move past this and enjoy our next meeting.
I will first apologize to you for the mix up. Please understand I did all I could to reach you. However, it really hurts me that you got as upset with me as you did. I hope you dont think I would purposely leave you out of a luncheon after I insisted that you come. The way you talked to me on the phone and the way you treated me in the parking lot of Chesterfields was really hurtful to me since I tried to be nothing but a good support system for you before, during and after your surgery. Melissa and I left the luncheon early at O'Charleys to come and try to meet yall to give a face to face apology as yall deserved one.
I hope we are able to move forward from this and leave the past in the past. We are going to update the call list at our next meeting and hopefully this time next luncheon we will be better prepared to contact folks.
Its not like Melissa and I are paid planners -- This is only the 2nd luncheon we have ever done and things just happened.. We couldnt help it. We do this on our own free will and on our own time. We don't get paid. We do it because we want to and it is important. Not to mention it helps us to be closer to one another so we can better be there to help one another. We are not giving up, though. We are new at the whole social planning thing. We will get better and more organized as things go along.
I'm gonna tell you like I told Boobie.
Girl, Please. You did a great job. Your doing a great job.
You can't blame yourself for what happened.
You don't work at the "Know It All" shop
, so how would you have had everyones number to call them.
You are not able to jump into peoples minds & tell them
"check your mail"
"read the board"
"confirm the plans"
Girl please.... Anyone that blames you for THEIR mix up, has major issues.
Cause you posted it here for anyone and everyone to read.

Christine! I am so sorry! I was a little upset when we first discovered what happened, but like I said, stuff happens. I did check my e-mail before going to bed last night, and the message was not there, but it was when I got home this afternoon. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I wouldn't have done that for anything. I didn't mean to snub you (if that is indeed what I did) in the parking lot. I am still learning just how much I can put into that little pouch, and I had tooooooooo much potato soup! When I saw you in the parking lot, I was MISERABLE!! Amy carried me home and I just got in my recliner and tried to figure out why I felt so bad! After 5 p.m., when the misery was gone, I figured it out! Let's just try to forget that our luncheon was at two different restaurants, and next month all get on the same page! I WILL check my e-mail before leaving home! You have been such a good friend to me and so many others and I know from experience that one can never please everyone! Next month I won't hurt when I leave the luncheon!! And I will type us up a list and mail it to everyone with phone numbers and all, if that is what we all want. I'm looking forward to next month! And Christine, I think you did a wonderful job, getting in touch with as many people as you did in such a short time frame. Keep up the good work! Please forgive me for being such a dud!