Positive start: What are you grateful for?
What are five things you are grateful or thankful for this morning? It helps to start the day off on a positive note by being positive and starting the day with a grateful heart.
1. I am thankful I had my surgery when I did as more and more insurance companies are declining to pay. I have truly been given a blessed gift in WLS, and I plan to make the best of it for myself and for those I know would have loved to have the same gift and couldn't get it.
2. I am thankful to live in a country where I have so many freedoms that others do not.
3. I am thankful for my wonderful family and all of my good friends.
4. I am thankful for this sight where I can come and get support from people who truly understand me. I can't wait to meet some of you in person on March 9 at our Chesterfield's lunch.
5. I am thankful to God and all of the wonderful things he has done in my life and the many blessings he has given myself and my family.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and smiles and laughs alot. You know smiles and laughter are contagious. So spread the cheer.
Melissa Taylor
Lap Rny 1/15/04
277 to 136
141 pounds gone!!
1. I am thankful that I did not give up on having this surgery. I am glad that I fought and won the big bad battle with the insurance company. I am 84 pounds lighter than I was 5 months ago.
2. I am thankful that I have a wonderful family. My husband, my child, and my parents and siblings. My wonderful friends for loving me fat!!
3. I am thankful for montly support group meetings and in between support lunches and this message board.
4. I am thankful for a good job where I pretty much get away with a lot more than I should (like playing on this site all day) and that I am not out hunting for a job to be able to feed my child.
5. I am thankful that in 10 days I am going to see the other half of my family. A VACATION THAT IS A LONG TIME COMING!
thanks for a great post. I think we all have pretty much the same "thanks" for, mainly the facts that we have wonderful families who support us and having been granted surgery, which in return will let us be here for our families for a long time to come. Every single day I thank HIM for giving me a second chance at life. We all have come through a lot of soul searching before making this decision for surgery, and have become better people because of it, having compassion for everyone who's still out there seeking approval or having a bad time with surgery and recovery.
I want to make sure I let you all know, if I get too busy and forget every now and then, I am thankful for every day I can come to this site and read you guy's messages and participate in our little support system, as I overdo it with my work and have no time for support groups, THIS is my family, my support, when there are things I needed to discuss that only other WLS'ers would understand and/or can help with.
THANKS !!!!!!!!!

Hugs to everyone on the board
PS if anyone sees Rhonda today, please tell her I'm sorry, I wanted to come by today and I got stuck working.