has anyone had this happen?
i have woken up about 3 times and its only a few hours maybe just 1 after i have fallen asleep and had the most horrible reflux with a metal taste and the next day my chest is sore and my throat hurts. i dont know if i ate too late and drank too but i didnt think we were supposed to have enough acid in our pouch to do that to us. just wondering if anyone else has had similar experience.thanks
I have never had anything like that to happen to me. That is kind of strange. I didn't think we had enough acid for that either. I would go and post this on the main message board where it reaches people from all over. You will have a better chance at someone having had something similar.
Good Luck,
Melissa Taylor
Lap Rny 1/15/04
277 to 136
141 pounds gone
Hey Crystal,
No, I haven't woken up that way. If I get sick it is IMMEDIATE!!! BUT I did have that metalic taste in my mouth for a couple of weeks after surgery - It really icked me out, because I kept thinking it was old blood from my tummy from the surgery and I didn't like it at all.....Maybe you should sleep on your sides not on your back. Are you taking something for less tummy acid? That may help too....But tell your doc.
Hey Crystal... I would seriously contact Janet and see what it could be because as far as I knew there is not acid to come back up. I used to have really bad reflux and I have not had it once since surgery. It may be something else.
Ask Janet if she had ever heard of this. Or bring it up tonight at the meeting.
See you there!
i talked to her and she asked dr whitehead and he said it was unusual and wants me to take mylanta for a few days at bed time and see if it helps if it doesnt then they are going to scope me but i am going to ask dr carson tonight as well. what are those protein drinks that you drink and where do u get them im getting tired of the isopures from gnc.see you there