Sleep Disorder Clinic Appointment
Hey Everyone,
Well today (Tues) I finally had my appointment w/Dr. Rack @ the SDC @ UMC.
Dr. Rack said that if anything I might have a mild case of sleep apnea. He wants to do a sleep study to be safe.
Since I live so far from the hospital, & the wait to have the over night sleep study is 3-4 months, he made arrangments for me to pick up a home testing monitor today in Jackson at BlueDot.
I'll sleep with it on and mail it back to the company.
They will download all the info & send it to the doctor.
I go back March 1st to find out the results.
I was so tired when we got home. My butt was dragging. I went to sleep around 8:30 with my little monitor on. And woke up at 2:00am. So here I am. Wide awake and my test completed. Well, maybe not wide awake.
Anyways, Thats my update on where I am.
Hey Girlie,
Well don't think I didn't wonder if you were up !!!
But, I was only up for about an hour and then went back to bed.
March is starting to look really good for the flowers to pop up and bloom
(HINT~HINT) I really don't want to jinx myself, so I'm not so gonna say what it "REALLY" looks good for.
If you "get a date" what I mean.
Lets just hope & pray that this home monitor is in perfect working condition. Cause I sure don't want to redo this. But if there was a malfunction or something, maybe, just maybe they will catch it and I can redo it before going back to the Dr. on March 1.
But if it works out, it just works out. And if it doesn't, thats OK too. I'd rather wait & do it when The Good Lord is ready for it to be done.
No reason to tick "The Big Boss" off !!!
Hey Tammy it's me nosey Nan. I have my appt. next Wed. at 9:00 am. How far do you live from Jackson? I hope he will do that test on me I will surely ask for it. Is it more expensive or did you pay for it today or do they bill you. How was the doctor is he nice or mean. Good Luck on everything.
Talk Later,