
Wonderful Weekend !!!

Tammy S.
on 1/30/05 12:46 am - The Queen City, MS
Hey Everyone !!! Even though it has been rainy off and on & just plain nasty, this has been a GREAT weekend. It has been a nice weekend to stay inside, cook a nice big pot of vegetable soup, cuddle up by the fireplace, watch TV, play video games with the family. OK.... You caught me. I'm a Pac-Man junkie !!! I can't help it !!! Those Ghost, Those Yellow Dots, The Wacka Wacka Wacka !!! Plus, there are some great movies on PPV & I think we have seen most of them this weekend My parents came out & brought food !!! Gotta love those kind of visitors!!! OK, so now you know what we have been doing. What have you been up too ??? Huh Huh Huh ??? Tell Me Tell Me !!! Lets hear from everyone now !!! I know you been doing something !!! Tammy
Miss Liss
on 1/30/05 1:36 am
My parents live part time in Petal and part time in Wiggins, MS. There home is in Petal but they rent a house in Wiggins since my Dad works there now. So my family and I went to Wiggins this weekend along with my sister and her husband to attend a Mardi Gras ball there at the country club. We had a blast. The band was absolutely wonderful. We hired a baby sitter for my children so we could enjoy some adult time. Good food and good company. Fun! Fun! I have Pac Man too. I may have to play some this evening. Glad you had a good weekend. Melissa Taylor
Tammy S.
on 1/30/05 8:21 am - The Queen City, MS
Girl Please !!! I know what you & hubby were doing !!! Sounds like you were partying all night !!! As long as you had a great time, thats all that matters. And it sounds like you did Did anyone call you Ms. Boobie Dippen-Hiney ? Tammy
on 1/30/05 2:25 am - Biloxi, MS
Hey Tammy and everyone else.. This was a great weekend. My cousin and her fiance from Georgia came on Friday and spent the weekend with us. We spent some time at the casino Saturday morning and then grilled out and had a few drinks Saturday afternoon and then went to a hockey game at the coliseum. We really had a GREAT time!! My cousin is 28 yrs old and just had surgery three weeks ago because she found out that she had cancer. They took out part of her colon, almost all of her large intestines and all of her female parts. She has to start chemo next week and wanted to come out and enjoy herself before she starts that. It was an extra special weekend to me... I wanted to spend quality time with her before she starts chemo because that usually makes them sick. I am glad to hear that everyone else has had a great weekend too!! Love, Rhonda
Tammy S.
on 1/30/05 8:28 am - The Queen City, MS
Hey Rhonda, Sounds like you have had a VERY BUSY weekend. Hockey ??? I would LOVE to go to a Hockey game. All the fighting !!! WOOOHOOO !!! I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. Did they get all the cancer & just doing the Chemo just as a percaution ? Well, It sounds like you went out of your way & far and above the call of duty to make her weekend a happy one. I hope that it was. She is in my prayers. I hope that she will get well soon. Tammy
Arlies Q
on 1/30/05 4:10 am - Brandon, MS
Hey Tams! It's been a good slow snug in the house weekend! I am reading Jimmy Buffett's new book, "A Salty Piece of Land" - it's a tad boring, still waiting for the main story to kick in! The big boy came home yesterday! Thrilled my soul! Did a little shopping for him - shoes....and sent him back to Meridian with the $ to open a checking and savings account at the same bank where Daddy works so that each month we can deposit an allowance into the account - Jim will meet him Monday at the College Park Bank to sign the account with him since if it's "Daddy's" account, there are NO fees! Em has lolled around feeling icky - cold stuff- all weekend. This am she and I lay in bed reading the Sunday papers and the National Enquirer until about 1 pm! (Did ya see the boys on the front page of the Meridian Star??? The local band thing??? Jon is friends with all those guys, but he and Mike are really good buddies.) Slow, calm and snugly....... Smooch Arlies
Tammy S.
on 1/30/05 8:35 am - The Queen City, MS
Hey Girlie !!! Now, that is my kind of day !!! Laying in the bed. I seen them good looking boys. Does Jon ever sing with them ? Wait a minute.................................... Are you giving out $$$ ? Where is the beginning of the line ??? Forget going to the end of it. Tammy
on 1/30/05 4:16 am - Meridian, MS
I to had a wonderful weekend. Friday night I got to keep my 2 granddaughters while mommy & daddy went out for some quality time. Faith is 4 yrs old & Cayleigh is 7 months old. They are my heart and know this. Saturday my daughter from Huntsville Ala came in for the weekend with her honey. My other two daughters came over and so did my Ex Husband. I know this seems odd. LoL. but it was our youngest daughters 20th birthday. So he bought the food and I cooked it. And we all ate it. Faith spent the night with us, along with her Aunt MEE MEE (Marie). Sunday I got up and cooked breakfast for daughter & her honey and of course my honey, me and my granddaughter. A few hours I started lunch. We all ate, including the Ex came over again to spend time with the daughter that is here visiting. After they ate, they all went bowling. DH and I was invited to go, but I had already volunteered to babysit the two granddaughters while the mommy & daddy went to the movies. I have had a ball babysitting the little ones.. They are my heart and they know that I will never say NO to keeping them. I guess they take advantage of that often. LoL .. Sometimes I even have to BEG hard to get them to let me keep the babies!! Well that's what I did this weekend! ~Jo~
Tammy S.
on 1/30/05 8:42 am - The Queen City, MS
Hey Jo, Oh how sweet !!! Gotta love them babies. I know that they mean the world to you. And at that age, the whole world is new & they love to play and have fun. They are angels I bet. Did you have some good Birthday cake ? Tammy
on 1/30/05 1:22 pm - Enterprise, MS
My weekend was YUCK!!! Recuperating from the stomach virus...and glad to be over that junk.....my DH left for Louisiana Sat. morning early to go visit his mom at the nursing home and i didn't get to go!!! boo hoo!! He got home late tonight so i spent the weekend on the couch moping....lol....but, i'm better today, thank goodness!!! Gotta get ready for that sleep test Tues. night!! lol.....Joe, i know what you mean about those grandkids!! Mine are the light of my life....my reason for living......and Andie,,,i know what you mean about having a boring life....I've got one of those too girl.....lol......
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