They Called! They Called!!!
I'm SO excited. Sandra called from Dr. Cleveland's office this morning. She had talked to my insurance company and determined that the surgery is covered as long as medically necessary. I of course already knew this. So, she goes on to tell me that they see new patients on Thursdays, and that she knew it was short notice but that they had an appointment tomorrow. Boy - I didn't even let her finish the sentence before I was screaming, "I'm there - put me down!" LOL She was laughing at me. So, tomorrow, I go to the nurse practitioner for about 2 hours. I have to be there at 1:30. I'm SO excited. I can't wait to come back tomorrow and tell you what all they said. I've managed to pack on a few extra pounds from the stress of deciding to even have the surgery . A little extra security never hurt anybody right?
Any words of wisdom? List of things to ask? Etc....