What Do I Do ???
Hey Everyone,
As you all may know, today is Carolyn Hubbard's surgery day.
I called the hospital and asked for her room and they put me through to room 418. Well, a lady answered the phone and I asked was this Carolyn's room and they said NO !!!
OK, I tried calling her cellphone number and a lady answered it.
She said that I had the wrong number. ???
But it is the number that she put on her surgery support page.
And I have triple checked my writing it down.
I was going to try and catch her before she went into surgery, but I figured that some of her family would be there for me to at least make contact with ahead of time. That way they would know me ahead of time for when I call back this afternoon or early evening.
So, what do I do ???
She is in Texas. I'm in Mississippi. I have no clue !!!
I don't want to be accused of turnning my back on her.
And I surely don't want her to think I don't care.
I did a search on her last post that I could find and she hasn't re-posted or replied to anyone here since the 15th of Jan.
I went to her state message board, no posting there either in a while.
Also went to the Jan. surgery forum page and the same thing. Nothing.
Any suggestions ??? HELP ME PEOPLE !!!
How odd is that.
I do not know what to tell you. Try the hospital again and make sure it is her room and make sure they transferred you to the right room. Was it the same lady who answered the cell as the hosp?
Nobody would ever accuse you of turning your back. You cant help it if you got bad info. We know you tried.
WIsh I could help.
Try calling the Bariatric clinic at the hospital that she is at. She listed a whole bunch of numbers on her support page, keep calling them until you get an answer. Is today her surgery? If so, someone there has to know something!! Keep us informed as to what you find out. By the way if they ask if you are related to the patient, say YES.. that will get you much further!
Perhaps she uses different names in her non-cyber life. I have several friends who used nicknames and no one know who I'm talking about if I don't use the name they are familiar with. A dear friends hubby did the same thing to me when I asked for "Bree", he knew her as Bridgette and told me "sorry, wrong number". Maybe, call the number again and explain the situation to the person who answered.