Disapointed in Yall !!!
I am so disapointed in most of you right now.
I can't believe the nerve of ya'll coming here for support & not giving any.
I posted a Ms Girl was having surgery & asked yall to sign her support page. Only 4 people from this board signed it. Including me!
There has been 31 hits on the post. I have checked the link twice to see who all has signed her page. 3 others for sure seen it & signed the page.
Now unless math has changed, that tells me that there is a BIG possiblity that 26 other people seen & read the post.
Next time you start to ask for support, make sure that you can give it.
I understand that people work, have kids, are sick, or whatever.
But really, just how long does it take to sign someones support page ?
Maybe 2 minutes.
And all this time I thought that I belonged to the best State Support Board that ObesityHelp had to offer. What was I thinking ???
Hey Lori,
I understand about that. Trust me, I do. Your keeping the grandbabies, hubby working out of town. I'm not sure how you find time to get online.
You are one busy lady.
And I'm not trying to put anyone down Or even hurt their feelings.
I just know how it is to need something and not get it. And I'm sure you have been in that same boat with me at one time or another.
I guess just because I have signned every support page listed in the "I have a surgery date" section (listed now to March & some farther on back into last years) that everyone else should at least try and show some support. Not as much as I do. But at least a little. A tiny bit. At least try to, when asked to do so anyway.
I spend a few hours off and on most everyday signning pages. But, thats me. I feel like if I'm gonna ask for support, the least I can do is give it. You never know, the one little message you leave for someone, could be all it takes to make their life a little better. Even if just for a moment. Make them feel cared about & know that they are not alone in this.
Thanks for Carring Lori !!! You are one special lady !!!
I know you guys are VERY, VERY supportative, because you really came out of the woodworks for me. And I hate to tell ya'll this, but I am no more special that anyone else! So come out of the woodworks for EVERYBODY!!!! I don't sign the pages like Tams does, but if there is a MS page and I am aware of it, I sign. Take care of your house FIRST, I say....so folks get on the stick!!! I assume that this blast of cold weather has everybody's fingers frozen and it's not apathy!!!
I love you guys!!! Show some love, people!!!!
Hey Ms. Skinny Minny !!!
I know everyone on this board can be supportive. The did it with you. I SEEN IT !!! People signned your "I'm Back" message that I didn't even know belonged to the Ms. Board !!! Never seen a post from them in my life !!! But there they were.
Of course you are our "special" person. I got that !!! Your in my heart also.
I don't expect people to go sign pages like I do. They can't. They work, they have small children or grandbabies, they may be sick. I'm sure everyone has a busy life. So, they can't sign pages like I do.
Heck it takes me around a couple of hours everyday. Once you get all of them signed it doesn't take that long everyday. Unless you get behind a couple of days. Then you have fun catching up. But, once you sign a page the person will email you back saying thank you and asking you a lot of questions. So it does extend way past just the suport pages.
But if it is a special request for one of our own. Step up and do the right thing. It doesn't take long, it is painless, it is free, and it makes someone happy.
I'll bet if the request had been posted by you, they'd have broken their necks to sign it.
Thank you again for signning it for me.
BTW: I have never met that lady but, I'm sure that she is Thankful Also.
Hey Tams
you KNOW I work too much and sometimes do NOT look at the board but once every two days. I assure you I would have posted right away if I had seen it and I actually DID post today before I even read your message
so now get off my back... hehe >
Girl, it's so cold down here on the coast, I am about to move to Mexico or something, I 've been freezing for months now, considering I lost so much insulation, and this cold is literally killing me. I never did like cold weather but this is getting to the point I am wearing : t-shirt, long sleeved sweater, hooded sweater AND a thick jacket OVER all that just to stay warm enough to keep the cold wind out. YUCK!!
Anyways, y'all have a great day.