Update on Arlies
( SHEWWWWWW!!!! now maybe I can get some rest!) I'm SOOOOO relievel that you are home, safe and getting healthyer by the second! I can't wait to join you on the LOSEING SIDE!!!! I LOVE YA GIRL!!! Take it easy and get some rest and get back on your feet! If ya need ANYTHING let me know!!
God Bless, and I love ya!
Angie Bea
Welcome back, Arlies !!
I can't express how much it meant to me to meet you the other day, you're definitely one great lady and I just know you will do wonderfully with this new tool Dr Jenkins has given you.
I hope your trip home was pretty easy and now it's all down hill, try to get up and walk if you can, it's a tough road, but you're one strong lady and you can do it. I really admire you, and your hubby, what a wonderful man.
Bless you guys, and please keep us up to date. I can't wait to see you in a few months, geez, a year down the road, you'll probably get skinnier than me since YOUR doc already offered his services for the tummy tuck. Put in a word for me with Doc Jenkins, will ya
He's such a nice guy, I told you you'd love him !!
Have a great day and please be really careful, you're on the mend, the next few weeks are important and I promise it will get better each and every single day !!
~~ Andie ~~
YaaaaaaaHoooooooooo WELCOME BACK ARLIES!
I am so glad to know that you are home.. all safe and sound.
Now don't fret, you was wanting to feel this soreness. HeHeHe
At times you might think that you have made the wrong decision, but
let me tell ya, it was ALL WORTH IT. If I had to do it again, I would
in a heart beat. Walk Walk & Walk some more. I can't wait to see
you at the next support group meeting in Meridian which is Feb 14.
Love ya,