UMC Support Group Meeting
~~~~ The University Of Mississippi Medical Center & Dr. J.R. Salameh ~~~~
Would like to invite you to attend a community wide support group for obesity.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Topic: Veggie Tales ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bring your Support Person & participate in learning new ways & reciepes to get
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YOUR VEGGIES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Come join us if your considering obesity surgery
~~~~~~~~~~ or ~~~~~~~~~~
If you are post-op for peer support
Date: January 18, 2005
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Student Union Conference Center @ The UMC
Hey Tammy! I prolly won't get to go to the support group meeting in Jackson...My hubby will be out of town and i'm not much on driving by myself at night; especially that far....Also, i'll be keeping grandkids Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so sometimes in there, i've got to get some stuff done here...
.....Let us know what they say about the veggies..maybe they'll have some good ideas.....I had my psychological test done the other night with Dr. Gilbert...(psycho doctor)....he is so nice.....i see why Arlies added him on her "list" i've just got to get through the upper GI and the sleep apnea.....seems like it all takes forever.......

Hey Lori,
I don't really care about going to Jackson that night myself !!!
But Hey, you never know if the mood will strike to go or not.
Yeah psycho doc is great. He sat by me in our nutrition class the other day in Jackson. Have you already been blessed with that class yet ? It was ok. Nothing I didn't already know. But it doesn't hurt to hear it again.
I go on Feb 1st for a sleep apnea appointment in Jackson.
I'm ready for this to hurry up and happen now....
I'll be old and gray before I have surgery. I guess I shouldn't fuss though, they said it was a very slow process. And at least I've got my foot in the door and things going on. And there are others running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off trying to get test and stuff done and they haven't even got in to see the doctor for a first visit yet !
So, I guess I am gonna sit back, keep quiet and watch them go !!!
However, I will be sitting here laughing in spite of myself.
Because I really believe that there is an unwritten rule somewhere, that says everyone has to wait a certain amount of time.
Maybe to the point of..... running someone
So guess what. I'm almost there WOOHOO !!!!

I haven't had the nutrition class yet...i called Susan with Dr. Salemeh and asked her if i needed to schedule that and she said that they would do it for i don't know when that will be....maybe they're wanting to wait til i get a couple of these tests behind me.....I'm dreading the upper GI....I got my bill from UMC for the pulmonary and blood gas tests.....Almost 900.00!!! I bout freaked insurance will pay 80% but i'm wondering if i could see about getting Voc. Rehab to help with whatever my insurance doesn't pay....I don't know it they do that or not....Anyway, we went to Long's fishcamp tonight at Enterprise...I was telling the waitress that i was gonna have this surgery...she pointed to a young woman eating and said that she had it done last year...i went and talked to her of course....she said she's lost 144 pounds....she was
S K I N N Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another lady at my church today visiting told me she knows several people in her hometown (Birmingham) that have had it done also and did great......I like to hear the good things about this cos i hear so much