I visited my PCP today (I do so on a monthly basis because I am on quite a few medications) and he likes to bill my insurance for lots of services. When I weighed today after being on three weeks of a mostly liquid diet I had not lost any weight. I told him (as I had every month for the last three months since I knew) I was going to have to lose 30 lbs. before my surgeon would do my surgery. So, today, 10 days before my surgery he tells me that one of my medications causes people to gain weight. Well, duh..... No wonder I have been having such a hard time losing weight.
So he changed the medication, but certainly not in time for me to lose 15 pounds. I am so upset I have been crying all afternoon. I have a call into my surgeon's office. My PCP said that he would talk to my surgeon. If my surgery is postponed I am really going to be upset.
It is hard enough for us to lose weight anyway.... why would we be having the surgery? Why would a doctor put us on medication that causes us to gain weight when there is another option? I am furious!!!
At this point all I can do is hope that the surgeon will be compassionate and go ahead with the surgery.... Please send up some prayers for me...

Hey Carolyn... Talk to your doctor. Some doctors just like you to get off what you can before surgery. I do not know how much you weight but I do not see how it can be SUCH a big deal that you lose 15 pounds. 15 pounds doesnt sound like a huge amount -- enough to make a differnce anyway.
My surgeon did not require me to lose weight before surgery. I have heard that some do --- I can understand in some cases --but 15 pounds... doesnt sound like enough to cancel surgery over..