Caution: You may laugh Warning Labels
Hey Everyone,
I seen an article in a NC newspaper about "Warning Labels. Thought it was cute and that it might brighten things up around here a little. I took a lot of junk out and thought it would be fun for everyone to list their favorite warning label.
Caution: You may laugh
Ever wonder why so many familiar products we use every day have ridiculous warning labels on them? It's because tort lawyers have won gargantuan awards for consumers who ignored the obvious ¯ used a product in a stupid way and were injured as a result.
To lessen the risk of lawsuits, companies spend hours trying to think of ways someone could use their product ignorantly ¯ and get hurt.
Some of these warnings, however, stretch from the serious to the absolutely absurd or zany. And thankfully, for the past eight years, Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch (MLAW) has given awards to contestants who submit the best wacky warning labels.
This year's distinction went to the label on a toilet brush that warned
"Do not use for personal hygiene.''
There were some close runners-up. An Illinois resident received a cash prize for a label on a child's scooter that said,
"This product moves when used.''
A South Carolina resident captured another prize for submitting a warning from a digital thermometer that said,
"Once used rectally, the thermometer should not be used orally.''
Yuck! But for sure there is some darn fool out there who would use the thermometer both ways without ever thinking.
"Warning labels are a sign of our lawsuit-plagued times," said MLAW President Robert Dorigo. "From the moment we raise our head in the morning off pillows that bear those famous 'Do Not Remove' warnings, to when we drop back in bed at night, we are overwhelmed with warnings.''
Some warnings are so humorous that companies should consider issuing a label not to split a rib laughing over the dumb, ludicrous warning labels.
My favorite one is on the dog bones that we buy for our pups.
"Not intended for Human consumption".
Is there really a problem out there with people buying and chewing on dog bones that I haven't heard about ???