I want to thank all of you on the MS board for adopting me again, I just haven't found a place in the TX board in spite of trying. I guess I'll have to move to MS.
I am having to lose weight prior to my surgery and I have been one that has been keeping a journal with Fit Day and I wanted to report that I have lost 5 pounds in the last 5 days! It really helps to have accountability and also know others are praying and supporting you.
Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Hey Carolyn !
I'm so glad you're on track with the weight loss, it will be a cinch once you get surgery, and I tell you, I lost almost 30 lbs without even knowing it when I buckled down and cut out all of my sodas and made myself stop the sugar in my diet. Accountability is the key here, just be on the ball and you'll be A-OKAY
Also, be prepared, you'll hit those dreaded plateaus, and there will be emotional highs and lows, especially right after surgery, it's a rough path sometimes, but omg, the OUTCOME is incredible !
Keep on doing what you're doing, you're right on track now
OHHHH.. and we're sooooooooooo happy to have you on our board, since I am one of many transplants to MS, our motto is, the more the merrier
~~ Andie ~~

Hey Carolyn,
Again you are welcome here with us anytime !!!
We love you and we are glad that you found your way to us. Everyone deserves a place to call home and fit in at. And, well, you are part of our Mississippi family so don't let anyone tell you different.
People from Mississippi have a big supply of "Southern Hospitality".
And we don't mind using it at all.
You are doing so great with your weight loss. You keep it up. You'll be having surgery before you know it. Then when someone calls you a loser, you can look at them and smile really big and pretty and tell them "Yes I am".