Barry Starr
Barry if you read this message can you tell me where and what is the Health Mge. Connection. Yes I am in Hattiesburg and I don't know if I can go to another Nutritionist? I am sure I can just as long as I get it in. Arlies I only went to one, they didn't tell me I had to go to another one. They told me after I did my sleep study I would be getting an appt. ment to set my surgury date. This makes me so
it makes me want to
someone. I have learned not to
just sit back and relax. Berry get that info back as soon as possible please. I think I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands and just go myself.

Health management connection is a health center and rehab and exercise program in Hattiesburg it is located near the super walmart on 49 south. It is assosiated with of forrest general hospital. I go see the nutritionalist there and do my water arobics there and exercise program there 3 days a week. Hope this helps sorry I dont have a number for ms Brooke but I lost it