Here is what I ate with the totals. I was also thinking about these postings and I think that it would be a good idea to post how much water we are drinking so that we are aware of that also. What do you think of that?
B: Swiss Miss SF Hot Chocolate 120 2 22 2
Coffee, 9 0 2 0
Nectar protein powder 90 0 0 23
L: Chicken noodle soup 75 2 9 4
S: Nectar protein powder serving 90 0 0 23
D: Milk, Lowfat, 1% milkfat serving 110 3 13 8
Revival Protein Powder serving 130 2 4 20
S: Celery, raw 19 0 4 1
Salad dressing, Light Ranch Dressing 77 7 3 0
Totals 719 16 58 81
I drank over 64 oz of fluids... probably close to two gallons. I have gotten in that habit over the last few years.
Hope everyone had a good day!

Food Name Servings Serving Size Cals Fat Carb Prot
Tuna salad with egg 1/3 cu 94 4 6 8
Scrambled egg with cheese 152 9 2 14
fatfree saltine cracker 4ea 49 0 10 1
Tortilla with cheese 204 6 20 17
Adkins protein shake 170 9 6 20
1/2 can each snack
Totals 671 29 44 60
I might have a snack before bed. If I do I'll add in the morning. I really have no idea how much water I drank.
I drink out of a cup with ice. Starting tomorrow I'm gonna pour out of a bottle so I can keep up with it better. Doing this is helping me so much. It is making me pay alot better attention to my food choices. Notice 2 days in a row with no potatoes

Thats a record for me. Any suggestions on how to get more protein let me know.

I'm really proud of you... foregoing the potatoes.... As far as getting protein... Do you like milk? You could drink milk or Lactaid if you are lactose intolerant like me, in place of some of your water... skim or 1%... You can also add non fat dry milk to food where the taste wouldn't make any difference (such as in soups). I'm going to a preop nutrition class on 1-20-05 and I will listen extra hard for ideas regarding getting in more protein. Do you like eggs? A hard boiled egg may be a good evening snack, they are high in protein.
When I see more ideas I'll let you know....