Here's what I ate, how about ya'll
Food Name Servings Serving Size Cals Fat Carb Prot
Tuna salad 89 3 6 9
Potatoes, baked, 57 0 13 1
Adkins protein shake 170 9 6 20
Bread, white, toasted 67 1 13 2
Cheese, processed, 38 1 1 5
Shrimp, baked or broiled 37 1 0 6
Potatoes, baked, 23 0 5 0
Totals 480 16 44 44
So is this good,bad or ugly. Really I don't know how much of what I should have. I think everything is probably ok except probably too many carbs I guess I better watch to tators. Its just that is about the only side I can have my menu is very limited. Give me ya'lls true opinion.
Ok... heres mine...
Total: 917
Fat: 60 538 59%
Sat: 13 117 13%
Poly: 5 41 5%
Mono: 15 136 15%
Carbs: 24 64 7%
Fiber: 8 0 0%
Protein: 76 304 34%
Today I ate ALOT (getting ready for mother nature)
B: 1 egg and Protein Shake
S: Pickle (mostly just sucked the juice-didnt swallow any skin)
L: About 5 pieces of fajita meat - 1 tortilla chip and about 1 oz of salsa (I dont really like the chips --used the chip to scoop the salsa (like a spoon) --and about .5 ounce of cheese dip
S: 1 Ounce of regular pig skins (mostly crumbs)
D: 1 small beef jerky
S: Peanuts
I FINALLY got my protein in.... Carbs are low -- good for me.
Becky I think you did good. Protein is a little low but I cant say anything about that. I think what you ate was good choices. Honestly. But, I am no expert and I make bad food decisions... But, In my opinion you are doing fine.
Saw your hi-jack and so I thought I'd drop in here and
Give you everything I think I know.
I'm at 17+months now,
So I do a lot of just "eyeballing"
And relying on habit to make my food choices
Here's what I think I know.
According to my Nutritionist-
My overall Diet Goal should be composed of-
45% Proteins
40% Carbohydrates (these should be Low Glycemic Carbs)
15% Fats (these should be as much Monounsaturated fats as possible)
My Dr. requires me to get 95gms of Protein each day
(first 6 months, now a minimum of 75gms)
In order to get that much and keep my caloric intake down
I had to use the Protein Dietary Supplements.
And from my past experience with the Atkins Diet, I know
That as long as I stay below 30 grams of Carbs a day,
No matter what I eat, I'll still loose weight.
And from my old days of "Calories in -Vs- Calories burned" Diets,
I should try to stay under 1400 Calories a day, or at least count my exercise
Times and try to make sure (but only approximation is possible)
That I burn up more Calories than I eat.
So, all of that to say-
What do I actually Do?
I make sure that I get in my 75gms of protein no matter what.
I most of the time have to have a Whey Protein Supplement,
Or two, in order to make that number.
For Protein I use a lot of Chicken Breast, Fish of all sorts, Lean Pork, Laura Lean Ground Beef, Eggs in just about any where I can add them, Beans or all sorts, etc...
I also keep Textured Vegetable Protein in my Pantry and add a touch of it to just about anything-
Meatloaf, Chili, Soups, even cornbread.
I also keep soy flour and Bean Flour, and will add a spoonful
As a thickener where before I would have used white flour.
For Fiber, I add a spoonful of Ground Flaxseed to nearly everything, and I also keep pure Bran and add a touch to recipes as well.
Every little gram helps.
I avoid any fats that will be solid at room temp.
And Try to only eat the Mono or Poly Fats.
Monounsaturated Fats -
Olives; olive oil, canola oil, cashews, almonds, peanuts, and most other nuts; avocados.
I also will have the Polyunsaturated Fats -
Soybean oil and soy products, safflower, and cottonseed oils; fish.
I avoid the Saturated Fats-
Whole milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream; fatty red meat; chocolate; coconut oil.
And completely avoid the Trans Fats-
Most margarines; vegetable shortening; partially hydrogenated vegetable oil; deep-fried chips; most all fast foods; most commercial baked goods, etc....Just read the labels.
I avoid all sugar and sugar alcohols, I dump easily. I buy the Low Carb Ketchup and Bar-B-Que sauces.
As for Carbs, I avoid white processed flour, so Bread, crackers, pasta, rice, etc
I will have a little occasionally, but so long as not to get more than 30gms of Carbs a day.
The Carbs I do eat are those with a lower Glycemic index.
For more than you ever wanted to know about Glycemic index and Loading, go to-
The Carbs I do eat are-
Fruits,(mostly Berries of all kinds)
Vegetables, (just no or very rarely Potatoes)
Legumes, low fat dairy products and whole grains.
So just about any type of Bean, Red, Yellow, & Green Peppers, Onions, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Low Carb Yogurt, Carrots, Peas-Green, Black-eyed, Crowder, Field, etc..
All Squashes, just keep a watch on the sweeter ones like Butternut Squash,
Celery, Radishes, in fact all Salad stuff..Some of these do have a touch of carbs,
I just read labels and look up average nutritional content in fresh Veggies...
Or at least I used to. After about month 8, I just have a list of 300 or so ingredients
I know that I like and are good for me. Yes?
All of the numbers and labels make it seem like I "Alton Brown" my way around the Kitchen, but I really just cook with what I have in the house.
The "secret" is not buying the things that are high in Carbs, Bad Fats, and Calories.
When I eat out, I just eat those things that I know I can.
Sometimes I will have some tortilla chips, I just make sure that the rest of the day
I stay away from those Trans Fats and Carbs.
During that first 6 months I just built habits and watched my ingredients very closely
And before I knew it, I was just doing what had become my new habit. Yes?
Now, I typically Hit that 45%,40%,15% ratio of foods every time I check Myself.
Sometimes my Carbs are a touch lower and my Protein Higher.
That's everything I think I know.
Keep up the good work everyone-
Me? Started 385lbs, Now 186lbs, 1 lb from goal.
Best Wishes-
Here's mine:
Total: 1102
Fat: 34 305 29%
Carbs: 98 341 33%
Protein: 100 400 38%
Breakfast: 4 Egg white & 1 yolk omelet w/1 oz ham, dried peppers and tomotoe & 1 oz Mozzeralla cheese
Lunch: 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese with 1 small banana with cinammon & equal
1 lowfat cheese stick with 2 slices smoked turkey (2 oz) and 1 lettuce leaf wrapped around it
snack: 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese with 1 small banana with cinammon & equal
supper: 3 oz pork loin, with 1/2 cup baby lima beans, 1 small baked potato with 1 pat margarine & 1 cube of cheddar cheese
I do great on the proteins, but man look at those carbs!!!! It's the bananas and taters!!!
I am not good at the food thing.
B- Shoney's Breakfast Bar (BAD GIRL) Couldn't really eat that much. 1/2 c. egg, 1 tsp. cheese, 3 mushrooms, 2 tbl. potatoes, 1/2 piece of sausage, 1 french toast stick, 3 pieces of fruit. I WAS SO FULL. I hate that feeling.
L-nothing. I was at the doctor
S-2 cups salad with canola oil
D-3/4 c. Life cereal with whole milk--trying to get in my calcium per dr. order's.
I did not have a good day! However, I did lose 8 pounds.
YOU GOT YOUR HALO OFF??? WONDERFUL! I know you are thrilled! Thats great.
I wanted that breakfast bar last night. They had it for their dinner buffet. I resisted though. Ended up having a slim jim. Woohoo...
--That french toast didnt make you dump? Are you one of those who dont dump on sweets? You go girl.
I cant believe you lost 8 more pounds. How many more ya got to lose---5? Thats great.
Get us that new pic up.