Contact Information.
Here's some numbers for you guys:
Keesler AFB Medical Center (same day surgery) 288-377-6974
3rd floor sugical wing 288-377-6225
Lisa (the bariatric nurse) 288-377-8524
Keesler AFB Medical Center Information 288-377-6550
Starting on Sunday (after 2-4 pm) we will be in the Tyer House at Keesler. Dunno the room number, but the front desk is 288-377-0748. I will spend Sunday night and Monday night there. Jim will spend the nights that I am in ICU there. I hope to get out of the hospital on Thursday or Friday and we plan to stay until Saturday in the Tyer House - unless we feel I need a bit more time before I travel.
Now I am compling a list of contact numbers. Jim will call Barbara (sissie) and she then will have the phone call list. So if you wanna be contacted, please reply to this post. If I don't have your phone number, then email me. And if you want Jim's cell phone number, let me know in your reply and I will email it to you.
I have several people that have volunteered to be my angels - Andie, Rhonda, Angie Bea, and Tammy. I think that's all! One of them will also post the updates....
I love you guys!
Smoochies & hugs

Hi Arlies,
I just wanted to let you know, I'm still alive and will gladly check on you too while there, give me a call sunday after you get to KAFB when you're settled into the room, I'll take a drive with my new baby boy and my daughter over there to meet you. I bet you're TOTALLY excited by now huh? By the way, Are you sure on those numbers? Because our area code is 228 not 288
Just thought I'd bring it up before everyone gets upset they can't reach ya
If you dont have my cell number any more, please email me, I'm a bit concerned about this being posted in the open, although I have no problem giving it to you guys in email.
Take care and let the weekend hurry up and get here