anyone got a gun??????????
You know when it rains it pours i swear........................... masafrasasonofabiscuteatr.
ok ok I am done with the foul language and my appologies to all.
Well step dad is still in hospital and low and behold now my mom is too with cellular edema that is infected in her legs

and i have that too so I know it is painfull as all get out so now i spend most days at Forrest general running from floor to floor room to room and I dont run well lol. Hobble more like it.
Called dr C's office and got a reply yesterday on my surgery. He has all paper work has had for almost 2 months but said that my ekg was abnormal and now i need to go see a cardiologist
. But my question is why didnt they let me know this till i had to bother em to get told this????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Or is this normal i am sooooooooooo confused so now I have to figure out weather to go to the one in Jackson or one I went to 4 yrs ago in Hattiesburg when they thought i was having heart probs and found i wasnt?????????????????????????? any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Now on to a few lighter things.
Christy girl i didnt have a clue who was answering my post with that new pic I love it keep it up.

For all others that responded thank you very much it meant the world to me
And i will now try to quit using this as a Bytch(sorry for language) board and try to post some good news when i find it
Love and kisses from the Bear 

Hi Barry... Bring on the Bytch sessions... Thats what we are here for.
We all vent. Sounds like you all are having a rough time of it. I am sorry to hear that your mother is now in the hospital. I dont know what exactly it is that cellular edema does but I believe you when you say its painful. I am in Hattiesburg so if you all need anything just give me shout. I will do whatever I can to make it easier for yall.
As far as the EKG--is that where they put those little things on your chest and it takes all of about 1 minute to complete? Have you had it redone lately? May have been a fluke. Hattiesburg Clinic has some really good cardiologists.
I hope it works out. I KNOW IT WILL...
Dont get down -- its the worst that could happen. Everything will work out.
My poor dear Bear,
Yeppers, when it rains it pours. Hang in there. And it's okay to get mad and cuss on occasion. As Tams says, "somethings just require a good cussing." I got aggrevated about something yesterday and looked at my 13 year old and said, "Cuss words, big, fat, ugly, purple hairy ones." Course you know me and my giggle box. Em has the same problem with hers.
I truly am sorry that you are having a rough time, and especially sorry to hear about your Mom. I'd loan you my Christine, if I could so you could go 5 mph up and down those hallways! We will keep you in our prayers. And honey, vent away, that's what we are here for...not just the good times, but bad as well!
We love our Bear!

Hi Barry,
I am so sorry to hear about all your bad luck. But I promise things will get better. Just tell youself when it starts getting to you, "This too shall pass:
I had a adnormal EKG also before surgery. I had to go see a cardiologist. I used Dr Fegaro. Jenny made the appt for me. He did the cardiogram on me, and my heart was beautiful and healthy. The Cardiologist told me that alot of times a obese persons EKG will come back abnormal cause of the thickness of the chest. I got a letter of clearence for surgery and I was on my way.
If you are refering to Dr Clevenland's office when you said Dr C. Then I must defend them up there and say that they have been so busy. The lady that answers the phone and does tons of paperwork has been out for a month. But will be returning monday!! She had surgery too! So that leaves them really short handed. And the ones there has a load on them. Plus you know that the holidays slow everyone and everything down. They are great peeps. I love each of them. Just look at it this way. If you had've known 2 months ago and you had your surgery in the last few weeks, you wouldnt be able to run up & down the halls and from room to room to take care of your folks. God works in mysterious ways. I know you are having a rough time, but hang in there and things happened like this for a reason. A good reason!
Take Care,