All That Waiting????
You poor folks down in South Mississippi.
Oxford has Hot and Cold running WLS.
If you are tired of the waiting and want one more option,
Give Becky Wilson at Liv-Lite a call.
I swear it would be worth the drive.
It just sounds like so many of you have been
Given the complete run around.
Breaks my Heart.
Hope the best for you all-
Best Wishes-

Hi Dex,
Sounds great to me, I really don't know why some people don't just go the extra mile and drive a little further. I know it's inconvenient but hey.. it's worth it. I was going to N.O. for my appointments and surgery, it 's a 5 hour deal when I go see my doc , 4 1/2 hours commuting and half an hour for parking, walking to the office, short wait , quick visit and a stop by the gas station to gas up again
I'd do it again any time, I love my doc and I wouldn't want anyone else to take care of me, the drive is totally worth it to me.
I guess I'd drive 4 hours if I had to. I also wanted to mention, Liv Lite has done great things for some of my friends in Louisiana and California, they are recommended by all of them I know.
Did I mention I have a new walking buddy? If you wanna see him, just copy and paste this with the www in front.... then scroll to the bottom on the left side and you can find his pictures there
~~ Andie ~~

Hey Dx,
The reason I am waiting is because I have state employee insurance and you know the deal with that. I'm like Brenda waiting to find a doctor who will take voc. rehab. I would travel to the moon and back to get wls if it were possible. I have called every where in state and even been to Covington, LA. I have been trying since Feb. 04. If you have any tips, please pass them along.
Debra D
If any of you are interested in Liv-Lite
Just google
Or go to-
just be sure to put the-
In front of it.
They have one in Decatur Alabama,
As well as New Iberia Louisiana.
We're just surrounded with Bariatric Centers.
But it only makes sense, Mississippi was named the
Most Obese per capita State.
It must be all this good southern cookin'.
Don't know about the insurance issues, but Liv-Lite
Did all of that for me. They do the appeals and all of that.
Hope you all get through the "hoops" soon.
News on our Donnas?
Best Wishes-