I've got a question!
Hey Lori ,
How have you been hun ? I am not sure but ,I think how long it will take will depend on how long it takes to get all your tests done and get all the results of those tests back ,that is just my guess ,don't take my word for it but, I think that is about how it goes. I am waiting on the results of my psych eval to get a preop date ,I started with my first appointment with Dr. Salameh in July and it has taken this long to get all my ducks in a row and am still waiting on the results of the psych eval all the other tests are done ,so I know how you feel hurry up and wait I hope we all make it through the wait with our nerves still intact lol...

Thanks Sherry....it sure seems to be a waiting game!! I'm just hoping they don't call me in for my sleep evaluation early cos i've got the flu....can't even breathe out my nose.....lol....so, that's probably the time they'll call...oh well...i'll go snotty nose and all.....lol......They told me at Dr. Salemeh's office it would probably take about 6 months and that's right about where you're at.....We just gotta hang in there....only thing is, i've gained about 10 pounds since i saw him in early Nov.....and he wanted me to try to lose....hope they don't put it off too long or i'll be even bigger...lol....
Wow Christine!! You're new picture is gorgeous!!! That's a loss of 115 pounds in only 3 months!! I am so proud for you....I can't wait to get there....Well, i guess i'll have to...lol.....I have so much to learn about all this.....I missed the Meridian support group meeting tonight and i hated it so bad....I wanted to see Arlies again before her surgery in a few days....I haven't been to any of the ones in Jackson but i know i need to....I don't like the idea of driving that far at night by myself...my husband works out of town during the week and i hate coming in by myself after dark too... (we leave way back in the woods..lol...) I'm just gonna have to go to at least one or two though....I have so many questions....like the vitamin thing, and the protein drinks, and what you can and can't eat after surgery.....I still haven't saw the nutritionist yet so maybe she'll answer some of this for me...As far reading up,,, where did you find your material on this? The internet? I need to do that too.....Well, you keep up the good work girl!!!! I know you're one i don't have to ask if she'd do it again....lol.......
Hi Lori..Its not a loss of 115 in 3 mos. Its only a loss of 58. Sorry if I confused you.
I read on the internet ALOT... Its all I did for months. I got very wrapped up in it. I pretty much each what I want except for sugar. I try to watch the carbs but didnt do to good the past few days.
I drink the Slim fast Low Carb protein drinks and AE Coffee Flavored protein drinks. Read your labels. Make sure your get the right ones.
You can ask me any question. I may or may not have answer but we will figure it together.