Hello Nan,
Well I did have ALOT of gas! And still do occassionally. But, it didn't smell. But now my poopey STINKS something awful. Doesn't make sense. But that is how by body is. I don't know about everyone else's body.
And yes when I went into Kentosis, my breath stunk too. Also my urine. I even went to the PCP fearing that I had some kind of infection cause of my dark smelly urine. She reassured me after tests that I was fine, only had alot of ketones spilling over into my urine.
There is a pill that you can get that's called intermint (hope that I spelled it right) that will help with the smell.
Hope this helps
Nan, to me the gas wasnt any stinkier than it usually was... haha... Depended on what I had to eat that day.
The breath was and still is awful. Esp when I drink my shakes. I carry around a bottle of Listerine and do it several times a day. I have a friend who tells me when I need a tic-tac or two and I can usually tell myself when its really bad.
I have not tried the innermint that Jo is talking about--Listerine works ok for me...