Hi you gorgeous Mississippi folk and Texan sneaker-over-ers!
I am gonna present you guys with a challenge!
Here's what I am doing. I am starting today with the New Year tracking everything I eat on fitday.com. I am starting the "no sugar, no flour" diet that Dr. Gott in the Meridian Star advocates TODAY!! I am trying to get my mind set for my surgery and the aftermath of it. They asked me to lose 5 whole pounds before my surgery IF I COULD....I figure the more off the merrier! (Guys, I have to lose OVER 300 LBS - ALMOST 350 LBS!!) After surgery, I don't have the option of misbehaving with my eating and I need to get ready for that. I am NOT the kind that thinks if the doctor says I can't then I have to try it to see if I can. If the Doc says, I can't then I can't. I am not going to ignore his years of school and expertise....after all HE IS THE ONE WITH THE MEDICAL DEGREE, NOT ME! And even tho, I am only out of pocket $100 so far for this surgery, my hubby spent 21 years in the military paying for it for me...so I don't intend for him to get shortchanged.
Now here's the challenge.....
I challenge each and everyone of you - pre-ops and posties - to start today to eat HEALTHIER! Track your intake on fitday.com. I am not challenging you to a diet, but to start eating healthier in preparation for your surgery or to get the very most out of your window of opportunity. Can you do it? I double-dog dare you!! And for you pre-ops, I double-dog dare you to start at least 10 days PRIOR to your surgery to eat the "no sugar, no flour" diet! Can you do it?? I believe in you guys and gals and I betcha can!!!
BTW, the "no sugar, no flour" diet is pretty simple. If the ingredients say sugar or flour, you can't have it....(and trust me, nobody in the world loves bread more than me....)
Smoochies & lots of New Year Hugs 