Ot: the checkbook....
Hey gang,
It's the end of the month! That means payday and balancing the checkbook. On Nov 15, I was 3 cents off so I just added the 3 cents in. I didn't feel like hunting it. Now I am $48 and some change off - the bank says we have more than I say we have....AND it makes me nutz!!! I know that I have typed something in wrong and I just have to find it. Well, I gots all my print outs and I am fixing to go to the kitchen counter and start hunting. I like my checkbook to be to the penny. How many anal retentives over checkbooks do we have out there? After working in Justice Court and seeing what happens to bad check writers, I make sure that I always balance! I like it when the bank says we have more than I say we do, but I still won't rest until I find it.
BTW, I am so glad to see all the posting going on!! You guys are such wonderful people. I hope you know that......Each and every one of you are the world to me. Please be careful over the New Year's. I love you guys!
I like mine right. But, I'm not that bad with it. Maybe I should be.
I do make sure that there is always $25.00 more than what is actually in there. Hey, you never know when something may happen.
if you find the $48.00 is yours can I have it to pay for an auction that I won on ebay. JUST KIDDING !!! 

Some bad terrible mean sniper person came by and tried to steal some vintage CHRISTMAS greeting cards right out from under me at the last minute, actually within the last 24 seconds of the auctions end.
Lucky for me I have DSL.
So..... I WON !!!
Nanny Nanny Boo Boo !!! You Bad Sniper People !!!
BTW: if you want to see what I won copy this number 6501039176 and paste it in the ebay search box. It should take you right to. They are soooooo cute. They are going to look GREAT with all my others.

They are cute!!! But girl, $55!!!!!! I dunno about ya!
I DID NOT find the $. The exact amount is $47.64. I can't find anything that meets that discription. Every thing has cleared but the garbage check for the year and the land tax for the year...I hold those until the day they are due....It makes me nutz!!!!! How can the bank have almost $50 more than I do??? I balance every mid and end of the month....so it has to be within the last 2 weeks, but I went back a month and a half to be for certain....it all matches, but the balance! I dunno....I just put a note and added it in, and am hoping it will shake out eventually!
But Mom-Maaa.....
There are 87 cards with envelops and the original boxes for most.
And they are 40-50 years old !!! Thats older than me.
Thats about .65* a card. Thats not that bad.
Plus, I don't do that everyday. Just every now and then.
I am too poor to do that to much 

Plus don't worry about the $$$. You'll find it. When you least expect it.

I have every confidence that you can figure out what is going on with your checkbook.... You are such a wise and wonderful woman...
I'm just glad it's not me... I used to round my deposits down to the nearest whole number and my checks were rounded up to the nearest whole number. How bad is that?
Carolyn in TX