Mississippi Roll Call? How is everyone?
Hearing all of the complications
Does make everyone a little scared.
But other than a handful of oldies,
Most of the people out on the AMOS
Board are those looking to have the surgery,
And those who are having difficulties,
Looking for some answers and support.
The vast majority of MO people,
Either never find this option,
And live out a shortened, pain filled life,
Or, have a successful surgery and get so busy
Living that they rarely drop in to the boards anymore.
Everyone out here does know the grip of "food as our comfort."
It's a real mean cycle.
Food will numb down and comfort you for a very short while,
And in the long run, just make your problems worse.
It's the legal heroin.
And breaking the habit is rough as anything.
I'm thankful everyday for this new lease on life.
Hoping the New Year brings you a New Life as well.
Best wishes-
I have been a lurker these past few weeks I guess. I have been praying for all of you and enjoy reading about the victories everyone has been having. Still waiting on a appt with Salameh. I was at the point of gettign an appt with Blake for surgery so I should get on Salameh's list I hope. I havent' called yet to see. I have been ill for several weeks. I went yesterday and had an outpatient DNC/hysetoctopy(sp) and that was fun. Anyway they did find fibroid tumors but did what they could outpatient meaning if it doesn't help it will mean major surgery and I don't want that. Enough complaining. I am just a little sore but okay today.
I had a great Christmas and was sooooo busy. Aren't we all on the holidays. I am so ready to go to Gatlinburg for a week but we are set to go in June. Can't wait.
I heard Donna is in a room so that must mean off the respirator too. I am so glad.
Hey Dx, great to hear you up and about. I knew everything would work out. Most of my stuff is done, just waiting on the Nutricianist's meeting Jan 13. I missed the one in Dec. I am just waiting on the Voc Rehab thing. Had a great Holiday and looking forward to getting things back to some routine after New Years - going back to Atlanta. I hope the best for everyone. If you are traveling, take care, heck take care anyway!
Less than 2 weeks now.
Get all your stuff ready
And let us know the Hospital # and such so we can check on you.
We should all get together for a Yahoo chat before you go in.
Just post and give us all a time/day when it will work.
Just relax and imagine that little thin Atlies.
Best wishes-
OK OK I know I have been delinquent from posting for a while I appologise I got a bad case of the moody blues when I was put on hold to have this sleep study done. Well I had the sleep study and guess what I failed now they are bringing me a machine on monday and I still havent heard a peep from Dr Clevelands office since i sent in all my paper work.
. Should I call them or just keep waiting ????????????????/ Ok now you all Know the rest of the story on me lol.