Mississippi Roll Call? How is everyone?
Checkin' in on my "Peeps." (My People)
I was away from the boards there for a few weeks,
And then the Holidays, and I feel like I've lost track
Of where everyone is in their process.
How's everyone doing?
Even if you don't see this post for a week,
Go ahead and drop us a line here just so we can
All catch up going in to the New Year.
I've been hearing updates on our Donnas, Looser and Terrell
But what about the rest of you folks?
Tammy Shelton, is your Psyche Eval still on Jan. 11th?
You are tireless in signing support pages-
I'm hoping to hear of your date soon.
Arlies is still headed to Keesler on the 11th.
I know Becky Norman got a date, What about Jan Brown?
Where's Jimmy? Becky Lockley?
Christine Clayton, how goes the loosing?
How's James Gilbert?
Susan Hughes?
Sherry Penn, Do you have a date yet?
Joyce, where are you in the process? Started, but a date yet?
Barbara Mclaurin, are you bogged down in the "Blake issue" as well?
Jo Walker, are you still having trouble keeping food down?
Angie Bea, What's up?
Angie S. , down 86lbs? Get in that Iron!
Lady B.? How are you doing?
Brenda Estes? What's up?
Melissa Taylor? How's it going?
I see Josh has moved on to stage four. How are you doing guy?
Anyone hear from Ralph Hayes?
Susan Coleman, How are you doing?
Any news from Barry Starr?
Michelle H? Michelle S.?
Andrea, How goes the weight loss?
Is Miss Kitsy back from her Holiday trip?
Dee Dee, still no date?
Trish, How are you doing?
Any news from Glenda Lord?
Sandra Thompson? Keri Cole? R.L. Walker? Glenda Rowell?
Jane Hudnall? Alisa Crowley? Lisa Montgomery?
Mary Celeste? Lisa Townsend?
Hope every day is getting a little better for us all-
Best Wishes-
Hey Dx,
No, I have already had that.
shhhhh Don't draw too much attention to that though.
Doc James Gilbert may take back all the "good" things he said bout me.
I do go on Jan 13 for my nutri. class. I am looking forward to getting that behind me. They only have that type of class once a month and its a MUST.
Wow.... I am soooo glad that I'm not the only one that feels lost out here.
Everyone is with their families and at all the Holiday parties. And I'm truely glad they have gone to those. Plus, I've enjoyed my family get togethers and all. But......Whew.... I'm lonesome without all of yall.
Heck, I had almost started talking to myself.
Hey Nan,
GREAT !!! I look forward to meeting you there.
I'll be the Short Fat Lady.... 

If its like normal, I will be wearing a pink short sleeve T-shirt and Dark Blue athletic pants with a small light blue stripe on the side, Nike tennis shoes, and either a hair band to pull my short brown hair back or sunglass' pushed back on my head. Plus, you'll spot me a mile away. Cause I'll be a huffing and a puffing away from that long walk.
Also, I'll have a very good looking dark headed man with me
my Hubby.
He has a mustach and usually wears a baseball cap.

hey DX,
I am going to see Phsyco Doc on Jan. 6th for my 2nd opinion then hopefully I will get my date. This more therapy crap is for the BIRDS!!!! I am as sane
(or insane) as everyone here! lol Why do I need more therapy! sheesh! just because I hear voices that tell me to do strange stuff dont make me crazy!
Well I am hoping to have good news after I meet with Dr. Gilbert on Jan. 6th.
Thanks For Asking,
Angie Bea