Just a few questions?
Can some of you ladies or gentlemen tell me some of the items to be buying up for the surgery. What are some good protein drinks, not the yukkky ones. I have my sleep test left and also my appt. with phy.doc and i will be ready to wait for that good-looking Dr. Salameh to tell me we have a date. I hope he is the last thing i see before they put me to sleep! Besides my husband of COURSE LOL. Has anyone used Dr. S for their surgery and how did you do. And lastly can anyone tell me do you know what kind of wait are we talking about with Dr. S if I am one of his patients before this Dr. Blake stuff started.
I'm in North Mississippi,
So I'm clueless when it comes to the
"Blake - Salameh" issue.
As for things to get for your trip
To surgery and after-
Here's what I've passed on to others-
The Fan and Chapstick are tops of the list.
Small CD or tape player with headphones and the music that makes you dreamy or happy.
I listened to Garrison Keillor book on tape.
Baby wipes also head the list as do those-
dental sponges for washing your teeth withou****er or toothpaste.
(I'm sorry that I can't remember the product name, but they were great.)
While your at the hospital "snag-up" some of those little 1oz pill cups they always bring your meds in.
Back at home they are instant measuring devices.
I also brought a couple of extra pillows from home, propped them under my arms at the elbows.
Don't think I could have slept, even on the morphine without them.
Go ahead and get the rubber coated baby spoons, and some of the small Glad disposable
Tupperware-like containers.
Once you move to yogurt and cream soups, you won't be able to use up a full container in a day.
I'd just plop a can of tomato soup into the container, take out the large table spoon of it to put in a bowl, add the water to the bowl and throw it in the microwave. Put a date on the lid of the Glad Container and pop it in the fridge.
That way I wasn't re-heating the same thinned down soup again and again. And I also knew what I should eat before I opened another can of something.
Don't worry about the baby spoon staining.
For some reason the soft rubber coated ones, stain at the touch of tomato soup.
Just wa**** with a little baking soda and throw it in with the rest of the dishes.
It may look a touch dingy, but it's clean.
Large heating pad was helpful at home. The hospital would not let me use my own, but they provided one.
There will be that sticky residue from the tape for your IV. I was in the hospital for quite a while, so it became an issue. Those fingernail polish remover pads worked great. Just make sure to wash the site thoroughly after and use some good lotion, the acetone in fingernail polish remover can really dry out a patch of skin.
The SF Popsicyles were wonderful, so was the SF Jell-O in the little pre-made cups.
The most important thing for the hospital however, is an advocate.
A spouse or family member who can see to it that you are getting excellent care.
Those poor nurses are run ragged going from room to room, and even when you have the best floor staff in the world, typically they are stretched thin by understaffing. Having some one there to ask-
"The pain meds for this room were due and were asked for 20 minutes ago, is there something that could be done to expedite this?
"Is the Dr. on the floor yet?
"There seems to be some new redness and swelling around the IV site. Could you come look at this?
The bed dressing in this room wasn't changed this morning as it usually is, is there someone we should call?
Someone how is calm, of a sweet disposition, rational, and Who loves You! Is the greatest thing to have at the hospital.
You will then be more than a blinking light on the panel to a staff member who is already facing a row of them and each case may be a life and death situation.
OK that's everything that I remember being super grateful that I had.
I'm sure others will be coming-
Best Wishes-
Hi Nan... I didnt have mine lap and I dont know what you are having but I was in hosp from Thursday to Monday.... I did actually try things. My mother brought her laptop Saturday night and I played online. I also did crossword puzzles when I was alone. I tried to be up and active as possible.
Stock up now on sugar free popsicles and propel water... They saved me. Get you some protein shakes. You will need them and lots of soups. I didnt do the tomato soup cause it had a lot of sugar in it but I did do clam chowder alot. Cottage cheese--Jello, broth....As far as the shakes go... they are all pretty much nasty but you need them... I like the AE something ---they are like coffee flavored. THey have 15 grams of protein. I also drink the low carb slim fast. They arent awful but they arent great either. I just suck em down.
WHen you go to hosp take some pretty nightgowns and robe. You have to walk the hall... Get some pretty slippers, etc... And a HAT... Your hair will be awful. My doc wouldnt allow a shower the whole time I was there.
I did wash my hair on the last day in the sink cause my nurse was coming to see me... didnt want to scare her away...
Hi Nan and everyone else on the Board. I had my surgery by Dr. Salameh on October 16. I am a definite success story. I had no complications, just minor irritations that turned out to be no big deal. I am now 2 and 1/2 months out and I have lost 65 lbs. I was probably the first patient of Dr. Blake's to have to be rescheduled and have Dr. Salameh do the surgery. I am feeling great and extremely glad that I had the surgery. I had my doubts in the beginning days after surgery because of the recuperation period, but everything turned out so great for me now that I would definitely do it again. I have been slacking on the support group meetings and will be making myself get back into them starting next month. I look forward to seeing some of you there. Dr. Salameh was wonderful, before, during and after surgery. I am so glad that he did mine. He was very thorough with aftercare and called me back personally anytime I called his office after comming home from the Hopital with worries. My surgery was so rushed because of Dr. Blake backing out on me at the last minute that I didn't even get a chance to meet Dr. Salameh in person until he was about to perform the surgery. I was so happy to get to look into those gorgeous eyes before going under. lol If there is anything else I can help you with, just let me know.
Hi Melynda,
Does Dr. S give you pain medicine or does he use the pump. I heard it is a whole lot better and you can control it yourself. Can you wear your own gowns or do you have to use those goofy hospital ones? I am also using voc. rehab and the lady I have been talking to told me when I get a surgery date to let her know and she will do the rest. Also, do they give you something to calm you before they take you to surgery because I am scared I will freak out right before time. Did you take any drinks or stuff with you too the hospital and how long did you have to stay. Did they send you home with your drain line and how did you feel when you woke up and did you go lap or cut.
Lets see, I used the pump and it was great being able to administer it yourself, just be careful since you are only allowed so much at a time. I would definitetly recommend taking your own gown because I didn't and got stuck wearing one that my back hung out of the whole time. They only had one size that does not fit all. They may still make you wear theirs for the time being though. Voc Rehab does work that way. They will not approve you for anything until you have a date. They are still working with me on finding a job as we speak. My Counselor in Rankin County was great. A couple of weeks before the surgery, I had to go see him at his office and sign some final paper work, then call him after I went home from surgery and let him know how everything went. The University Program is big into the Carnation Instant Breakfast Drinks. They will give you tons of medicine caps (1 oz.) and they will have you practice drinking them every fifteen minutes on your last day. You will have to take this with you. Also, they want you to bring a timer so you can time yourself. And, they may want you to go ahead and purchase the Flintstones Complete Vitamins. My Hospital stay was four days. I was rescheduled to a Saturday of all days and went home that next Tuesday. My surgery was open RNY. I have a scar going from my breastbone to just above my belly button. I had a drain tube on my right side. I had no problems at all with it. My minor problems that scared me at the time dealt with a small hole along the incision that leaked fluid a couple of times. I was so worried about leaks, I thought this had something to do with one, however it was nothing more that the same fluid the drainage tube held squirting out of a small hole. I went to the ER and they cleaned puss out of it good and sent me to see Dr. S the next week and it was no big deal. If you think of anymore questions, feel free to ask away.
Hey girl, Lynnett here
Sounds like you are getting close. I have really been thinking all of this over for the past weeks. I think that it has something to do with the holidays and the problems that donna looser has had. I ahve been really praying hard about this so GOD will give the answer that HE wants me to have. I just don't think I could put myself or my family through all of that. All I have left is my sleep appt with dr. stevens at laurel and my physc appt. I really believe that GOD will direct me and I will follow HIS directions. I really want to do this, I just want peace as I do it.

hi, i was with dr. Blake and now with dr. salameh. im having trouble right now bc they r sayin they have to change my date. Im royaly "P.O'd". i was scheduled for Dec 6 with dr b, then jan 31 for dr s. now they r tellin me feb 21. i told them no way. im in my last sem of school and this is goin to screw me if they dont do it on jan 31. im in the process of getin the date straight as i type this. i hope no one else is gettin the run around right now. these two things r the most important in my life right now---- the surgery and graduating from college. im having "big" probelms dealing with this. but anyway, i have heard nothing but great things of dr s. i think he is going to be great! susan is also a great person, she is who ive been talkin to these past few days tryin to get things straight.they are doin everything to help. i havent heard any negative things about him or his staff. GOOD LUCK with everything