Hey Gang,
Some good news!!! Donna T is no longer in ICU! She is on the Rehab floor (5th, 7th, I forget)! She is still not up to par, but is talking with folks and doing much better! She has also lost 51 pounds! (Now you tell folks about Donna T, when they say this is the easy way.)
Smoochers to all,
thanks for the update, there IS a god!! I'm so glad to hear she's doing better, this can be so devastating and it's definitely not the easy way out, even having a picture book surgery like I had, it was still anything but easy. To have your insides re-arranged, the pain from being cut upen wide and them messin' with your guts, no, it's not the easy way out. Those who say that should try it sometimes, they'd never talk like that again
Anyways, please tell Donna hello and let her know we're all keeping her in prayers, for a quick recovery now.
~~ Andie ~~

Thanks so much for the update! God does answer prayers! I know she still has a long way to go, but getting out of ICU is the first step. 51 lbs you say! That's great! Please continue to keep us informed.
I'm counting the days with you Arlies! Just think, very soon you will be a "looser", too!
Susan Hughes