Donna Looser?
Thanks for all the responses to our doubts. Christmas has always been a very hard time of the year for me, due to many things that happened in my childhood, my house burning to the ground Dec 16, 1979, and the death of a very dear, almost three year old nephew 18 years ago at Christmas. So, due to my history of having a hard time dealing with this time of year, I really feel that God did give me a sign that December 16 was the wrong time for me to have my surgery. The reschedule date of February 15 is feeling very good to me. I continue to pray, asking God's guidance in my decision to go on with the surgery. I also continue to pray for the two Donna's and their recovery. I am sooooo glad that Christine recommended this site to me. I have learned a lot, that I am not the only one with questions, and that so many of you are ready to jump in there and help with those questions.