Donna Looser?
Barbara, I know what you mean. I have had doubts as well. Since November two of our group have had bad turns with their surgery. Both of them had surgery in Jackson, and my surgeon has had nothing but successes. I just keep praying that the fall that I took that caused my postponement wasn't truly a message that I should not do this. Since I have until February 15 to continue to ask for God's guidance, I am not giving up now.
Hey Joyce and Susan, I have a question. When do we say, God is trying to tell me I shouldn't have the surgery? I have really been thinking about this. We all pray for God's will, but what does He have to do to get our attention that He is saying NO? I am so sorry but think about it. Will something have to happen to our surgeons before we say, He must be telling me NO. I don't know, I can't stand the thought of going on with my life at this weight but what do we do? Please don't flame me, because I am saying something no one else has the nerve to say. We all just assume that we all should have this surgery. But, I really don't know.
Hey Jan,
Hun,no one is going to flame you ,we are all entitled to our opinions that's what makes us a family here.We all have to make the personal decison as whether or not this surgery is right for us ,and if anyone has questions as to whether or not this surgery is right for them then God may be trying to tell them something.I always say err on the side of caution,if you think God is trying to tell you something then listen to him,God would not steer you wrong.If you have questions,search your soul and talk to God.He is the only one with the answers.

Girls thank you so much for you kind words. (All of my seven grandsons just left.)(hense the delay in responding) I do know that my faith is in God's plan for me and my life. I am like you Joyce, I have to do this to live. I am ready to go home, I have no problem with that but these little boys that just left are ages 10Yrs to 1 yr. I would love to be able to be here with them and be able to play soccer with them. Again, thanks for your friendship.
Smiles, Jan
No flaming allowed!!!
I am like Joyce, I no longer have a choice. I feel that God opened this option up for me because it is the ONLY way to deal with my weight issue. I have done all the weight loss stuff in the past that everyone else has and it always works until I go off the diet and gain what I lost plus so much more. The chances of me living another 5 to 10 years at this weight (or higher from gaining) is less than 30% according to my docs. And that is just a guess - it may worse than that. I'd put it closer to a 75% chance of death in the next 5 years due to my obesity and side effects because I live in this body and know how it feels and can feel the down slide. And my chances of not making it thru surgery is 4% (due to my size, it's approximately double the national average - most folks are a good 150 to 200 lbs smaller than me when they go thru the surgery.) So given the odds, 30 -75% percent chance of death in the next five years or 4% due to the surgery and or complications of it, guess which I chose? And yes, I know I could be in the 4%, but like I told my docs, I am going to them for a new life - hopefully, one here on earth as a more healthy, saner weighted person or at THE WORST CASE, a new home in Heaven, much sooner than expected, but a wonderful new life even so. And anything at this point would be an improvement. Confined to Christine and dependant on others to go and to do alot of things. I am a burden to my family now - not that you could get them to admit it, but that's the truth!
All that said, I can't make the decision for you, just tell you how I arrived at mine. This is something you have to decide. God will lead you - just listen. And I am not a believer that this surgery is for everybody. Some folks it is not. I know it is a catch-22. How do you know when God is saying no. I think when He does, YOU WILL KNOW in your deepest heart of hearts. God also likes us to be persistent too....It's hard, but when you have peace of mind, you'll know.
Don't ya just hate it when you ask for advice and people don't just say, "Jan, here's what you should do"?
I love you!!!! And we stand behind you no matter what!
Hey Girls,
I've read the post here and I think you all already know the answer anyways. Knowing that this surgery could be fatal is the reality we all have in back of our minds when they wheel us into surgery.
Only YOU can make this decision for yourself, and shouldn't be influenced by anyone else. Clearly, the benefits you could reap from the surgery MOSTLY outweigh the risks, and I know I purposely IGNORED the risk factors and didn't even for one second think it could go WRONG. I've tried to get surgery, got denied, then tried again and finally passed my tests.
I believe with good faith, that HE will lead you to your answer, and doubt that HE would want us to suffer, or worse, die, HE can not be blamed for the outcome. We do these things to ourselves, just like HE didn't make us overweight, HE won't "punish" us for the outcome of a surgery we wanted selfishly for ourselves to feel better.
Don't beat yourself up.. If you need more time to reconsider if this is REALLY what you want, then by all means, take all the time in the world. It can only be YOUR decision, and you have to be willing to take the risks and be willing to die if that's what happens, without any negative feelings being harbored towards the surgern in the worst case scenario.
God knows I've thanked him a million times for a second chance at life and in my eyes, HE gave me hope back for another 30+ years and if you ask me my opinion, well.. y'all can see how I feel about it.
Take care, and God Bless !!