update donnalooser
this is kevin, i had to come home and get some rest, i will go back tomorrow. they sedated donna today so much that she cant communicate. her pulmonary dr. said that she has a 60% chance of coming off the vent, he also said that she has pneumonia. the surgeon that did her emergency surgery said he felt that she will do fine, and that it is not pnuemonia, just fluid build up. her heart and kidneys are doing fine. it is so hard for me to see her like this. please pray. it just tears me up inside, i wish she wouldnt have had the wls, i cant stand being apart from her.
Hello Kevin,
You did the right thing by going home and getting some rest. You know she would tell you to get some rest if she was able.
I am praying for the both of you. And God is in control of this situation. Drs only know so much. But the Peace Maker is the one that has final say so. Donna is a strong willed person, and she has alot of us WLS folks out here praying for her. And we don't give up!
You take care of yourself cause she needs you. I know that it is hard for you to see her laying there like that. But, remember this..........you & her both have alot of people praying and believing God for her recovery.
Take Care & God Bless
I've read this thread 3 times before I finally am able to post. I am so upset that this is happening to her and you... I do not know what concerns me more --the fact that one doc says its pnuemonia and the other says its just fluid build up. Which one is right and are they consulting at all?? I do not know what to say about the vent. I can only imagine how awful this must be for you to see her like this.
She will get better soon and hopefully she will begin a wonderful journey on the loosing side. Donna is strong willed and she will pull thru this quickly.
My prayers are with your family.