Wake up!!!! NO SUNDAY afternoon naps!
Can you tell me where in the Bible it says that Saturday is the Sabbath??? I'd love to read that.
Or are you going by the calanders that have been changed so much
that only God knows which days are actually which.
I didn't know that you were Jewish, 7th Day Adventist, or Mormon. Or whatever other religions worship on Saturday.
Normally Bapt., Meth., Cathol., and Presb., worship on Sunday.
What church do you and Jo attend?
I'd love for yall to come to our church to visit.
Hey Jan,
As usual I am late. It has been rainning off and on all day here. So it is nasty outside. I am so happy for you. That is something to brag on now. I do hope that you have had a wonderful day.
My day was spent doing nothing.... But we did make 2 home made Hersheys Chocolate pies from scratch.
So that tells you what we will be doing all week huh?