Great News or Birthday Gift
Well that is nice of your co-workers to do that.
They could all be mean and nasty jealous about your weight loss.
Any time that you need a pick me up, you let me know. I'm here for ya.
Everyone deserves to be treated like royalty, for them to know that they matter to alot of people, and to know they are loved and cared about.
But honestly, you are such a sweet heart that you make people want to be there for you. And I love telling people how great they are doing.
I should be a Cheerleader. Just don't ask me to put on any spanky pants.
Hey Jo,
Where have you been ? You haven't been posting much.
Are you and Mr. Walker celebrating something ???
Let me say a great big THANK YOU for the Birthday Card.
That was so sweet of you to do that. I loved it. I like clowns.
How is the WA going? Are ya swimming all over the place?
Any cute guys around Just kidding.
I know you have the man of your dreams right there with you everyday.
Love ya lots, Tammy
See, whadda we tell ya??? Great things come to slightly demented folks that wait!!! tee hee!!!!
I am so pleased and proud for you! I bet Johnny is overjoyed!!!! Yep, it's like the lottery, Publisher's Clearing House and and finding a bunch of $ that belongs to no one!!!! It is a gift from God!!! See, He is saying "Tams, I want you to have this surgery so I am gonna help you out. And I love you!" I would dance wit' ya, but my poor knees had a rough day - commissary AND Wal-mart!!!
Yeah, Tams!!!
Smoochers & Hugs
Hey Arlies
Just what do you mean by SLIGHTLY DEMENTED FOLKS ???
I am completely demented !!!
Just don't tell anyone....
It is a sign from God. And I am thrilled to get it.
Sorry to hear that your knees are bothering you.
Just hop on SKC and ride around in a few circles. That will work.
Shopping huh ? Did you get something good ???