This was our funny for the night. We were sitting in a little covey at the corner of the far side of the conference room last night - Angie Bea, Amelia, me, and our support people....A lady all the way across the room asks Dr. Salameh if he does lap band...He replies, "Yes, I do lap band." Some dear sweet support person (HINT: not my Sissie!) whispers loudly, "LAP DANCE!! LAP DANCE!!! DID HE JUST SAY HE DOES LAP DANCES???" Fortunately this dear sweet support person was not overhead by EVERYBODY, but those of us that heard were delighted!!! I told the support person, "Yep, he surely does! What do you think we will be doing in surgery all that time?" So to lay rumors to rest, Dr. Salameh does LAP BAND, but I guess we can HOPE for the lap dance!!!!
Smoochers & Hugs
For all of you that are wondering who the anonamous support person's none other than my dear hubby Chris...It was sooo funny yall should have seen his face when Dr. S said he did lap band, DH was busy tending to the very very wiggly monster baby and heard him wrong....his eyes got as big as saucers!!! He just kinda leaned up by me and Arlies and quietly said in a whisper I KNOW he did not just say he did lap dances! and me and Arlies almost fell out our chairs (thank god for christine's seat belt!!!) I just held onto the table and prayed I didn't hit the floor!! It was SOOOOO funny.
Angie Bea