Hi Kim.... I have been exactly where you are with the cravings. I had to get out of the house! I begged my surgeon to let me go back to work after 2 weeks for half days. I did that for 2 weeks and then returned full time.
As far as the cravings go---do you like the SF popcicles? They saved me. Can you eat grits and mashed taters? The shakes and broth gets OLD quick, huh?
Chin up though - cause when you get released on soft foods it gets better. A little better with everyday!
Do you crochet or knit? It is the right weather for doing that!!! You can also 'google' everybody you know!!! Do ya watch soaps? Boy, when Angie Bea's soaps come on, you have to get off the phone!!!! Crosswords? Read? Where abouts in Forest are you? I am at Conehatta.So glad you are home AND bored!!!! (and not in the hospital and sick or having complications)
Hi Kimberly
Bordom can really be a demon! The only weapon you have is that you have an intelligent mind! You have to find something, anything, to focus your mind upon. Any hobby, entertainment, distraction, anything except thinking "here I am stuck with nothing to do". If you are still out of work, see if there is some small project you can work on (if you feel like spending your home time doing work), look at productivity of a department, a specific process of the office that needs improving. Sit down and plan your daily diet for a week or so. Anything that keeps your mind from being idle WHEN YOU FEEL BORED. If you are not bored, remember to relax. Hang in there because we ALL believe in you!!!
dr. J