Got this off the main board.
"Hibernation syndrome"
"Two or three weeks after Gastric Bypass, the patient's body "figures out" that it is not going to be receiving its accustomed calories for a long time. In about half of our patients this results in what we call the hibernation syndrome, where one's body falls back on its built-in evolutionary response to a low food supply - the person just wants to rest and be as still as possible until the food returns. Energy level drops through the floor, and the individual can become emotionally labile (tearful or irritable). There can also be a component of depression caused by the loss of the previous relationship with food. This syndrome can be unnerving for patients because it comes at a time when they are just beginning to get over the pain and other effects of surgery - they believe they should be feeling better but they just want to curl up and go to sleep. The good news is that this is not a dangerous or unusual thing, and will resolve in about 2 weeks when the body figures out how to use fat as its main energy source."
Thanks for that info.
I'll have to print that out and keep it in my "info on wls" file.
Plus this will explain while alot of people are so,
whats the word I'm looking for - "touchy?"
NO MOODY !!! (thats it) after surgery.
Not saying that in a bad way, mind you. But it does explain why people get their feelings hurt very easy.
Anyways, Thanks for that info Christine.
You are too cute and just full of good info to boot.

::Yawn ::
Hibernate, eh? so THAT's the answer
Actually it's totally true, the whole getting tired thing, and the body saying "whoa!".. my first week of losing only ONE pound was my fourth week. Since then it goes on like that, losing a few weeks,then one week nothing or only one pound. Told ya it's normal
Try getting out into the sunlight when the tired feeling hits ya, it works for me to wake me up and make me want to do stuff !