Hi everyone ! .. I am Jo Walker's daughter. I am not going to have the surgery..although I do need it . My dh says that he would prefer me to not have the surgery because we have young children (ages 4 years and 4 months) that need their mommy. I guess I agree with him. I joined the message board because since my mother has had her surgery, I have been reading posts here EVERYDAY.. atleast once a day..sometimes more. I love reading everyone's posts, and seeing the support that this group gives. I think it is wonderful that there are wonderful people like you guys out there ! .. Although I am not having the surgery, I am trying to lose weight. I am a type 2 diabetic, and mom has really been on me hard to get healthy ! . Anyways.. I just wanted to say hello, and let everyone know who my mommy is hehe
luv ya mom ! muah
Welcome to this message board. Its the very best...I am sure you figured that out already. Hard for me to imagine Jo has grandchildren. Mind blower.
What is your husband afraid of? You dying? The risk is so small. I was pretrified as I am sure everyone was. Type 2 diabetes is very scary. In no way am I trying to start anything but if you NEED this surgery - pursue it some more. Take your husband to support group meetings with you and your mom. This surgery will wipe away those diabetes and give your children and husband a better life WITH you. You will be healthy, happy, more production, more playful, and probably more sexual (which is a plus for hubby).... Without this surgery you are living in a prison trapped by your weight and diabetes. Type 2 diabetes leads to heart disease, blindness, nerve damage, and kidney damage. I work with a lady who is obese and she is out on disability now because she has diabetes in her EYES.
If you are content in not having this surgery-- then ok, but if you are not having it to pacify him - please rethink. Talk to him some more. Involve him in this web site.
I dont know the situation and again am not trying to stir. But you seem interested and I am very glad you posted!!
Hey Lynn,
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome....
We loves Jo, She is such a Sweetie Pie !!!
Now, I have to agree with Christine.... You and dh really ought to do alot of checking into this Sweetie. I know it is a SCARY thought.
Heck, only a weirdo would say that it isn't scary.
But can you or dh actually say for sure, that you'd be around for the babies and him without it ???
But really... You ought to check into for YOU.
I'm not trying to sell you something here.
But, it is worth taking a long hard look at.
Anyways, Welcome and come back to see us. We love newbies. Makes us have a larger family....And that means more support for all !!!!
Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know there is lap banding too. Many youngsters like yourself are getting it and loving it. What kind of insurance do you have?
I see on the main board (and another board where I am a member) where so many are going by the South Beach Diet. Have you looked into that one. They say it is a modified Atkins, but much easier to go by, and flexible enough to live by. Many who lost weight on the Atkins and then regained it are using the South Beach as a life long eating plan.
Again, welcome to the board, and there is Tara on the main board that is not having surgery. She is loosing the natural way. So if you get on the main board and see Tara be sure to introduce yourself to her, I know she would be happy to meet someone else who is doing it like she is.
Hi Lynn, we are so glad you have join us. Your mother is too you to be a grandmother! Maybe it is that you are too young to be a mother.(Ha) I love children better than life and grandchildren, WOW!!!!!!! I have seven little grandsons. Yes, ALL boys. Look I just wanted to tell you that it took me about 3 years to come to the place in my heart and mind that this was the right thing for me to do. Just lurk, as some call it, and learn as much as possible. The more you understand the better you will feel about the surgery. Besides, sometimes I forget that we are all here to talk about surgery. I just feel like I have a new and wonderful group of very good friends. So, welcome to our family of very good friends! No strings attached!
Smiles, Jan
Dear Lynn
Glad to see you here, and happy to have another new face on the board.
I've read your post and thought, wow, hubby scared? I know mine was. Two years ago, at the beginning of my journey, he told me he'd rather me try the " traditional way " one more time, he really didn't want me to have this surgery because the first thing the first surgeon I saw, said, there is a mortality rate of 2% with this surgery. It had him worried sick. He's in the Navy and if something happened to me, it would mean our daughter would have to live with his parents and he may see her once a year, when he gets to go home on leave.
To make matters worse, that (jerk-)surgeon never did anything for me, he sent me home saying I didn't qualify. Did a good job at convincing hubby that I can die.
A year later, I told my husband I AM going to do this, and I just can't stand my life anymore. With high bloodpressure ( mine was high with medication, still , 140/90 or 150/100, so they could never regulate it to where it should be ) and type II diabetes, I was so sick of everything, the diabetes made me have to go get glasses because I was unable to see anything any more. Surgery saved my life. No more high BP, diabetes GONE. The day I went in for surgery, my sugar was over 300. Had I not gotten surgery, I would have ended up in the hospital within a few weeks, and the chances of my living another ten years with the weight I carried, don't know, probably wouldnt want to guess, but slim.
You may want to wait a few years still, because your kids are little, mine are 5, 11 and 15. I did NOT want to miss out on everything any more, as I have been the last 10 years. I wanted to live life, do things with them, see them grow up. NOW, I know I will see them grow up.
It's a tough choice, but one that ONLY YOU can make. As much as your hubby may be concerned for your well-being, ultimately you have to choose if you're going to live miserably and still face premature death as an obese person, or taking the chance of surgery.
What it comes down to is this.. is he worried the kids won't grow up with a mommy? Or is it that he doesnt want to be responsible having to raise them alone in case something happens? Maybe mommy is around for another ten years but then, thanks to him being selfish, ten years down the road, when they get more self sufficient and easier for him to deal with, that's when your problems really start and kill you??
If you want this surgery, you should tell him, that you understand his concerns, but if he loves you, he'll support you in whatever decision YOU make ! "YOU" alone, no one else can do this for you, YOU have to come to terms with this, and you have to be ready to die as well, in order to save your life.
At any rate, give it some thought, try to go on a low carb diet.. it helped me lose weight preop, cut out all sugar, I swear, it works !!
Tell hubby you love him and maybe discuss it with him some more.. maybe ask, what happens if you go into a diabetic coma, or drop dead from a heart attack? Chances of THAT happening are a lot higher than dying from surgery , unfortunately !!! There are risks with ANY surgery, c-sections, appendectomy, gallbladder removal, etc... it's not just RNY that kills people.
I totally understand how you feel and I know it's tough. No one can tell you what to do. Only you
Take care, girl!
Hey Lynn!!!
Glad to have you here!!! You got a pretty good ole Mom!! We all love her to death! And I bet we will you too. Having surgery is not a pre-req to be on the board. We will support you in whatever way you need - surgery, non-surgery or what have you!!! As long as you are comfortable with your decision, we are too!!! You post long and often!! I am happy to meet you!!!
Hi lynn,
It's wonderful to hear from you!! I have gotten to know your mother well and her DH and they are both very special people! You are blessed as are we! I also have a small child my son is 2 and I already can't do the things I would like to do with him. My weight has already affected him profoundly. I had him at 6 months because of my high blood pressure, which resulted in him weighing in at 1 pound 14 ounces and cronic lung disease, he has also had 5 surgeries (2 major and 3 minor) starting at 5 weeks in age to just over a few months ago. I am scared, anxious and sometimes I just dont know how to feel all at the same time. The people here are amazing as to the support ,love and friendship they possess! Welcome to our family and we will support you in whatever decision you make.
God Bless,
Angie Bea