Wanted to be the first to say....
I got to meet Kristi, Arlies Q, Angie, Tammy, Barbara, Nan, Jan and Gina!!!
I am so excited. Yall are all so sweet. I am so thrilled that this brought us together!
Special thank you to GINA... She gave me her vitamist.... Kristi and I were probably the only 2 in their who didnt get any. Another lady who I cant think of her name gave Kristi hers. It was so sweet. We were bummed cause we didnt get any!! They saved the day. It was very sweet... THANK YOU!
The meeting was not what I expected. Way tooo many people - Kristi, Sarah and I were sitting beside some loud obnoxious folks. I couldnt hear half of what Bill was saying between there chit chatting and rudeness.
I liked the visiting afterwards... I liked talking to all of yall-ALOT!
It was great to have the chance to meet all of yall. Hope we can do it again as ALL POST OPS!!
Hey Christine,
I'd like to say that you are a darling person.
And I'm glad that we finally got to meet each other.
About the meeting, I'm like you..... TOO MANY PEOPLE.
But as far as the meeting went, it was nice.
Bill being a cutie, made it alot better !!!
And to be honest, If I was sitting where you, Kristi and Sara(?) were, I'd of got up and moved or asked (haha, more like told) that "lady" by you to shut the &*%?# up.
I mean HELLO !!!! I think I have an idea of why she was the way she was, But..... I'll not discuss it on here in public.
That is a shhhh talk with only "certain" ones listening.
If you know what I mean.....
If not, email me and I'll be so glad to tell you.......
I enjoyed the meeting but...
....I was hoping that it could have been a little infomative about surgery. Way too much about vitamins. Yes I know that Bill was there to sell a product, but there was a few folks there including myself that would have like to have heard more about what we face as we change out lives forever.
Yes, some people were very rude and way too loud for me. You can tell some like to the center of attention.
No names please!!
I really enjoyed seeing all of you guys afterwards. Nan is so excited but she doesn't want to wait until june to get in so we are putting her on the waiting list in case someone cancels.
You guys be good today (yes I know its hard) but do try.
I do love ya guys..... girls......Barbara
Yep, loud and noisey, but wonderful!!!! I was so thrilled to see you!!! And all the others! There are always some rudey-tudes, but oh, well...I didn't hear half of what was said, but I enjoyed the view!!! We should try to set up a meeting in Laurel for all us...Laurel folks, any ideas? Seems that might be a tad easier for some of you further south and not a whole lot of difference for me and the Meridian folks (closer tho). We'd just have to haul the Jackson folks down!!!
Christine, you are such a gorgeous person and I am so happy to have met you...Whether I learn anything or not at the meetings, my joy is meeting my wonderful family...I love you!!!
PS I am beginning to wonder what post-op means.....sigh....