35 lbs in 35 days!!!!!
Hey everybody!
First of all I want to thank all of your for keeping me in your prayers, and for the emails, and phone calls. The last few days have been rough and I have felt very poopy.
However, God answered a prayer (as he often does) and I woke up feeling much better this morning.
I went for my 5 week follow-up visit today with Dr. Salameh. I have lost 35 lbs! Wowie...I was so excited, esp since "Aunt Flow" is visiting and I just knew that would mess me up on my weigh in, lol. Dr. Salameh cleared me to eat normal foods again, but to try to get in the proteins first. Believe it or not, Im not even that excited about eating normal foods again. I don't seem to ever be hungry and I SURE don't want something to make me sick!
Oh well, it's all a learning experience so we'll see how it goes!
Luv ya'll

Thats great. That really is. I hope I catch up soon. I am down 18 pounds this morning from day of surgery (13 days).... I hope it keeps coming off like this. I am down 29 pounds from my highest (275). I never want to see those numbers again.
I dont feel or see it yet, do you??
I am soooo glad you are feeling better. We were all worried about ya.
Great job on your weight loss.
I am so glad you went to the dr. I was so worried about you. Glad to hear you are okay.
35 pounds is SUPER! You are such a LOSER!
I know what you mean about the normal foods. I think while I am down I will stick to protein shakes. Not only is it a high source of protein but will be me losing while I am healing.
Dr. told me yesterday, and you may want to try it, that chewing 6 Tums Plus a day is sufficient for you calcium and will be absorbed by your body better than a pill.
What all are you taking as far as vitamins?
My list:
2 chewable Flintstones with Iron
1 B12 shot per month plus a B12 sublingual daily 1000mcg
6 Tums Plus
OXYCODONE--oh, wait, that isn't a vitamin----or is it? LOL
P.S. Talking about
, last night I ate way too many shrimp and well, you know. I don't ever want another shrimp again. That USED to be my favorite food!! GROSS.
So glad you are better. Love ya, Girl,