Still having test done!
Hello to all my MS friends. It's amazing how close I feel to everyone here, even though I have only met a few of you. When you pray for someone, a bond is developed. Now, the reason I haven't been on line lately is my computer has been sick. You know, the Virus.(UGH) That is worse than my tv going out. As of now, it is working. Now about my test, I have had my Psy Eval, updated my CPAP, met the dietiacians(sp), the Nurse Pract. for Dr. Lowe at the obesity clinic, had the pulmanary test, all kinds of blood test and now I have to see a GI doctor because my liver enzymes are still not okay. I have to have another stress test on my heart next week. I have had a heart attack in the past so everyone is being very careful. I really do appericate this. So, as soon as I get approved from these test I should be ready to get my date. It really feels good to be getting this close. I haven't heard from my doctor yet. She was going to see what was going on with Dr. Blake. I will post as soon as I know something. Well, enough about me! Hope everyone is feeling great today or this evening. Talk later,
Smiles, Jan:_)