Please help me answer this question!!!
I have a friend that knows about my surgery. She told me this morning that she saw a broadcast about the bypass surgery and that they mentioned that if you have constant tingling in your feet that there is a possibilty that you can become paralyzed. I want to know if anyone else has heard this or even read about it? I do have alot of tingling in my feet and I need to know if this is something I need to discuss with my doctor next week.
Never heard of it either...Why would surgery on your stomach and intestines cause paralysis? Maybe possibly if you'd had a epidural or saddle block, but even then if they messed it up and hit your spinal cord, I'd think you would have know by now - at the very latest when you woke up from surgery! Doesn't make sense to me, but I would ask my Doc just to be double-dog sure.