Hey All,
I had my pulmonary study yesterday at UMC can we say OOOOOOUCH?!!!!!!!The lady that did my test had to stick and dig me about 5 times thanks to my rolling veins
!!!!!!!! I have had five root canals and given birth but, this is a weird kind of pain I can't explain it.I don't want to scare anyone but,it does hurt and I am not usually a weenie lol! by the fifth time she stuck and dug me I was not scared anymore lol!!! The lady that did the test was funny and sweet so that made it a lot easier Thank God!! cause I was a weenie lol and I am not usually scared of needles but this is very different those of you who have had the test will know what I mean lol ......

Dag Nabit Sherry, Now I'm worried !!!
I go on the 15th for mine.
Now, when it comes to needles, I'm a "cluck" chicken....
Oh my Gosh what am I gonna do.
Kinda like you~ one root canal, one birth with NOTHING for pain.
But being stuck AND dug in.....Thats a different story.
I am glad that you got it over with though.
One step closer anyway huh?

That is something worth partying over

Poor li'le dumplin'....I am so sorry she ouched you so badly....I don't recall mine hurting, but my veins behave pretty well and don't roll or nothing so...I too have a high tolerance for pain...2 child births, one a c-section and nothing for pain with either...BUT at least it's over...
I keep trying to post but all it shows is the first sentence maybe it will go through this time ugggh!!!
Hey All,
I didn't mean to scare anyone. When I posted but, everyone is not like me I mean I am a weenie I guess lol !!! I thought I was a pretty tough cookie you know (5 root canals and 1 childbirth and all that noise lol) it is a different pain I guess because, of all the nerves surrounding the arteries it seems like they just flip out when they are touched inside your arm or wrist, I say arm or wrist because she got me in the wrist and the arm
it wasn't her fault though. Just cause my arteries ran from the needle don't mean yours will hun ,please don't be scared I am sorry if I scared you ,one thing is for sure,you are that much closer when you get past that and you only have to do that appointment once Thank God!..........