It's Monday, Turn in your assignment....
Hey gang,
Let's report back in.....How'd ya do on your "paying it foward" assignment?
Well, typical me, wrote down stuff, oh, until about Tuesday and then proceed to forget to write it down and then lost my list. And I have to admit, I'm not sure I did anything without expecting something...even if it was just feeling good about what I did. Here's some of the things, my per feeble mind can remember:
1. Tuesday - picked up the co-angel, Angie Bea, and visited Hulene Gray in the hospital and tried to visit Stacey Hux. Hulene Gray was so happy to have visitors. What I got out of it was a greater appreciation for my family and friends. (and a good time with the bestest co-angel in the world and of course, with my angel boy, Austin)
2. Saturday - helped set up the chat session. I got lots out of that. Got some "shy" folks to talk and generally enjoyed myself to death. Hopefully, all know that my Queen
persona is done with a heaping dose of sarcasm!
3. I've done alot of little things for Emmalee this week....I went to extra effort (she's being a vegian) to make sure I purchased things she could eat at the grocery store (including a $4 bag of blanched almonds!!!!!!!!!!!). Also gave her free range in the commissary on Saturday....she put more into the cart than I did!!!(We hadn't been to the comissary in ages! and Em went wild over the prices.And we got a buggy full for $130) What I got out of my "special" treatment for her this week was a happier, more loving child.
4. I also spent alot of time telling Em just exactly how much she means to me. We both had a few tears on this one!
(now before you think that I am ususally not kind to Em, I am very, very kind to her, but this week, I POURED the kindness and love onto her.)
5. I did some little things for my dh too. Just little things, like last night, we had fla-he-toes (can't spell it) and I told everybody I would make their first one, then they were on their own. I did, but when Jim started for his second (and third, and fourth, and fifth!!!!), I stopped eating, took his plate and built it for him. Got lots of smoochies, hugs, pats, etc for my effort.
So did I change the world? No, but I did make a few people (myself included) happier. Did I expect good things? Well, yeah, I think so, because I knew if I did good things I'd get good things in return. Now I wonder, especially after being especially kind to Em, what sort of ripples I sent out into the bigger world. What did she do different or kinder at school, that caused someone to go home and so on and so on.....I'll never know, but I like to think, alot of folks benefitted from my happier child....
do good this week and know that you are all beautiful, wonderful folks and I love each and everyone of you dearly!
Smoochies & hugs![](
Well, Where to start ???
Tues. I took mom to the Dr. w/a 20min.
notice, and she only lives 20min. from me. So, that made for a fast but interesting trip.
Wed. Same as Tues. but with a little more notice.
Thur. I got to do the same thing again, w/ 15mins. to get there.
Lesson for those 3 days.
BE THANKFUL THAT MY PARENTS ALIVE FOR ME TO RUN WHEN NEEDED. And, now Momma knows by actions, that I'd be there for her at the drop of a hat. And that makes me Happy.
Sun. Because my daughter brought home a great weekly progress report Friday, I had her a pair of Care Bear flip flops waiting for her when she woke up Sun. morn.
Lesson for that: Seeing a childs face light up for something unexpected, and her knowing that she was being rewarded for something good she did.
Moral of that: She knows that when you work hard, you get good things in return. By this one little action, just maybe, she will pass on the knowledge that hard work pays off to a child who may not get that lesson at home.
Sun. Gathered up clothes for a little girl, who didn't have any clothes except for what she had on her back. B/C her and her mommy left a
Lesson: Be very Thankful that I have a very loving husband. Who puts me and our daughter first. Don't take it for granted and do not assume that everyone has that. It felt really good knowing that I have helped this child start their new life.
These are a few of the things that I did.
I did them, not expecting anything in return.
And walked away with something that money can't ever buy.
Well, we all do things all the time and really don't think about the ripple effect. This really made me think in hindsight. I had my 83year old blind mother stay with me, Monday to Wednesday. We played with my grandchildren and her Great grandchildren.(they call her Great) She blessed our hearts with stories and tales of the old days. My girls tell me how much they appreciate me having her stay with me so their children can be close to their great grandmother.
On Tuesday, Mother and I went to the elementary school and I read to my granson's kindergarten class. This is grandparent month. We were quite a hit! Not many children have their Great.
On Thursday, I went alone and read to my 4 year old twin gransons. They also, thought I was wonderful. As a former teacher, I know what this means to their self-esteem. Before I left, I had several of the 4 year old calling me Gran Jan. It was wonderful. The teacher invited me back anytime. I know she was happy with some help in the classroom.
Oops, Wednesday, I took my mother to Western Sizzlin for lunch and helped her with selecting her food. She doesn't get to go out often, since she is leagally blind. She told me it was a perfect day and a perfect week.
Thanks for making me mindful of how I can effect other peoples lives. I know I have to make sure it is positive everyday.
Have a great week,
Smiles, Jan
ok Mrs. Queenie!!!
On Monday, I went and stayed with Jo Walker before her surgery which was a real treat for me!!
On Tuesday, I continued my angel duties like a good little (BIG) angel! And Mrs. Queenie and I went to the hospital to visit Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Hux, we didn't get to see Mrs. Hux because she was having a bad day, but Mrs. Gray was really glad to see us, she really needs our prayers she is really homesick and really depressed.
On Wednesday, I didn't feel to well so I just kinda stuck around the house and phone Jo to make sure she was ok.
On Thursday, I was feeling worse so I was on the couch all day.
On Friday, Austin had therapy and I gave his therapist a happy! She loves fresh veggies so I gave her some fresh beans and corn out of the freezer and she was like omg!!!
On Saturday, My father in law called and told us about his surgery, so for the rest of this week and next week my pay it forward will consist of taking care of him because his sorry sisters won't.
On Sunday, I cleaned my house... ICKY!! I HATE cleaning!!!! lol well That is about it for now.
God Bless and Good Day!!!
Angie Bea
Hi Arlies, I can answer this one.
Monday- Took my daughter to the Orthodontists and comitted myself into a four thousand dollar bill for new braces.
Tuesday- Met some new friends at the support group meeting and offered my assistance whenever needed.
Wednesday- Called an old friend from Chattanooga, TN to get her address so Mollye can send her flat Mollye picture to her so she can forward it on to another out of State address and hope it keeps being mailed and sooner or later ends up back at the school in April. Talked about upcoming surgery and she wanted to know all about it and said she would keep in touch more.
Friday- Talked to a nice little old lady about her upcoming surgery while we were both sent all over the medical pavilion at UMC for tests. Fixed my Best Friend, Kim up with a seemingly nice man. (time will tell, old time friend of hubbys)
Saturday- Babysat and fed 5 little girls all night long and lived through the experience.
Monday- I made a fruit basket and took it to an elderly lady who lives 2 houses down and spent one hour talking to her.
Tuesday- Took my daughters class some cup cakes, and talked to them about education. I took a recent dr bill with me and told them this dr never touched me, he just looked at my xrays and read my dr notes and charged me 444.00. That made a real big impression on them. I talked to them about how people work 40 hours a week and do not make that much money. So by the time I left everyone wanted to be a dr. LOL
Wednesday- There is a gentleman who stands at the main redlight in our town and holds a very large sign that says Ask Jesus to save you to day. He has done this for about a year now. He will be out there in the rain and in the 100 degree weather. I will drop a bottle of water etc. by when I know he is up there. Well Wednesday I gave him one of the crosses we make. They retail are in our local stores and Christian bookstores etc.
Thursday- I get an F this day.
Friday- I helped an elderly gentleman get his grocery list at the store.
Saturday- I went and got a little boy who used to live across the street, and took him to Walmart and had his pics made. He is like a nephew to me, and his family is in financial need.
Sunday- A little girl saw my necklace and asked where I got it from and I told her we made them and where she could buy one from. Her mother asked how much were they and when I told her she said that was expensive(the girl was probably around 5) so I gave her my necklace.
Ok i have my list now, from what I remember.
Monday: At lunch I helped this older man and woman find there Daughters house, they were from Ark. and were trying to find her house, I told the man to follow me and I would take him to her house, ( I wasn't sure myself where the street was but knew i could get them close to it) Drove right to it. I felt good when they stopped and waved me on, and you could see a smile on both of their faces as they waved.
Tuesday: Got up and made my husband breakfast (5:45am) he had to go to work early.
Wednesday: Helped my boss with the budget for 2005.
not sure about if it was right or not, never had to do that before. But we turned it in to the main office in Texas (Preferred Care Inc.)
Thurdsay: Helped Linda from a sister facility (Lincoln Center) in Brookhaven, Ms do payroll reports,she is new to the system and called ready to give up. I walked her step by step on what reports she had to do once she appoved the hours in the payroll system.
Hey Arlies i am reporting in '
you know I don't think many of us ever give much thought to how many things that we do, do for others.
Monday: Cleaned my house and washed all our clothes .I got on my riding lawn mower and rode (3 miles) over to my mother-in-law's house (she is 86),I had to cross Highway 49 (can you picture all of this bouncing across the highway on the riding lawn mower lol !!!) and cut her grass which consists of 4 acres under fence.I always pay for the gas myself, and every time I cut her grass she attempts to pay me and I refuse I keep thinking she will give up trying one of these days but ,she has'nt yet lol.Cooked supper and brought Mom a plate which I do nearly every night.
Tuesday:Cleaned our house .Brought Mother-in-law to town to do her errands and buy groceries.Cleaned Mom's house and Cooked supper and brought Mom a plate ,and l got out of bed at 11:00 p.m. to take her an "emergency" bowl of ice cream lol !!!
Wednsday: Cleaned our house washed all our clothes.Paid Mom's phone bill and utility bill out of my own money which I have done every month for the past two years since my Mom moved her trailer on my land in August of 2002 .Brought Mom a plate for supper and some "emergency" cookies.Mom is disabled so I try pretty much to do whatever it takes to keep her happy lol !!! I am hoping if I ever get in the same shape that she is in that someone will take care of me.
Thursday: Cleaned our house .Paid Mom's computer note out of my own money which I also do every month.Took my friend Pattie to a doctor's appointment she is blind and can not drive,we ususally do this once a month .Cooked supper and brought Mom a plate for supper and a bowl of ice cream she was set up for the night lol !!!!
Friday: Cleaned our house and washed all our clothes.Then washed Mom's clothes which I do every week spent the afternoon ironing Mom's clothes.Brought Mother-in-law to town to run her errands.
Satuday:outside of the things I do daily for my family I did nothing today absolutely nothing.Yeah I know I am a sorry excuse for a human being lmao !!!
Sunday: Cleaned our house then cleaned Mom's house cooked supper brought Mom a plate.and did nothing else except for work on my son's school project until 3:00 in the morning I know I am useless lol !!!